Science Ping

April 14, 1912: The Titanic crashes into an iceberg, the most horrific accident in maritime history

The Titanic was destroyed by crashing into an iceberg, killing more than 1,500 people. This shipwreck has gone down in history as the most serious maritime accident.

The Titanic is a steam liner that has made history in the maritime industry due to the horrific and unexpected marine accidents that befell it and related mysteries. Its official name is RMS Titanic (RMS stands for Royal Mail Ship).

As the largest, modern, splendid and most luxurious ship of the time, the Titanic had the ambition to dominate the transatlantic sea route. However, during her first and last transatlantic voyage in April 1912, the Titanic sank after crashing into an iceberg, killing over 1,500 people. This shipwreck has gone down in history as the most serious maritime accident.

Vụ đâm tàu Titanic là thảm họa nghiêm trọng nhất lịch sử hàng hải.

The Titanic crash was the most serious disaster in maritime history.

The Titanic crashed on Sunday April 14, 1912. At 1:45 pm, a message from the steamship SS Amerika warned that there were large icebergs south of the Titanic’s track. The alert is transmitted to the USN hydrology office and not transmitted to the captain’s command post. After that, many more warnings were issued, but they also failed to reach Captain Edward Smith.

The Titanic has three watch teams on the “observatory” and they change sessions every two hours. However, a combination of factors led to the disaster: no moon, no wind and the dark side of the iceberg towards the ship, the guards were unable to detect the iceberg from a distance. sure.

Tàu Titanic đã cố gắng tránh tảng băng, nhưng mọi chuyện đã quá muộn.

At 11:39 a.m., Seamen Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee noticed a black mass in front of the bow. Then they realized it was an iceberg and the ship was heading straight for it, but it was too late. They quickly rang the bell three times and called the captain’s room. Officer First Class William Murdoch ordered “Stop to right” (order to turn the rudder all the way to the right) in an attempt to turn the ship to the left and astern as far as possible. rear, reversing the direction of rotation of the legs. duck outside.

The blow to the flank and the excessive tension of the rushing water to one side caused the Titanic to split into two large pieces, between the third and fourth chimneys, and the bow of the ship completely submerged under water. As the head sinks in, the tail is lifted up, until it is completely straight, the tail is then snapped in half. The stern began to dip and sink completely into the sea with the head of the ship. The people in the water cried out for help, but soon their cry died down. The survivors were huddled together, frozen and frightened.

The bow of the vessel was flooded and began to sink, then the stern was lifted and snapped in half.

The Titanic telegraph continued to call for help. Although the other trains were quite close, the telegraphs from some of the other ships were sleeping. The Olimpic, the same white starting line and a brother to the Titanic, heard a cry for help, but was too far away to help.

As the ship sank deeply, the two sides of it ended its fate very differently. The first part, due to its tapered shape, slides nearly 600 meters below the water’s surface, slowing down and touching the bottom quite gently. The tail falls almost directly to the bottom of the sea, possibly sinking and spinning, as the air trapped inside becomes sealed compartments. It was badly damaged during the descent at high speed; everything inside therefore jumped out of place. The first part was broken by the iceberg, sank slower, and also had less air inside, so it was completely intact.

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