Science Ping

Apple to use Tesla’s Megapack super battery to power its Cupertino headquarters

Apple and Tesla have never been partners before.

Apple on Wednesday announced a large storage battery project at a northern California solar farm that Apple has been building since 2015. But what Apple hasn’t announced are the batteries.

The new storage battery system will be able to store energy up to 240 MWh. It will include 85 sets of Tesla-made Megapack lithium-ion super batteries and will be used to power Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino.

California Flats Solar Farm.

Tesla first announced the Megapack battery system in 2019. However, the system used by Apple with a capacity of 60 MW is not the largest, Tesla produced a Megapack battery system with a capacity of 100 W to store energy in Australia and Texas.

But Apple still claims it is the largest storage battery system in the United States, able to power more than 7,000 homes throughout the day. Tesla’s Megapack batteries will help Apple store energy generated by the 130 MW solar system at California Flats Farm.

Apple sẽ sử dụng siêu pin Megapack của Tesla để cung cấp năng lượng cho trụ sở chính tại Cupertino - Ảnh 2.

Tesla Megapack Battery System.

Apple and Tesla have never been partners before. In fact, these two companies clash in the poaching battle as well. With this new partnership, it is likely that in the near future, Tesla will also be the battery supplier for Apple’s electric cars.

A competitive but also cooperative relationship, just like between Apple and Samsung.

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