Science Ping

Alien reincarnation is about to become a reality

In the future, humans will be able to recreate life forms and create alien creatures, using biotechnology similar to 3D printing, according to a prominent DNA doctor.

Dr Craig Venter, who is credited with decoding the human genome, created the world’s first artificial life form using chemistry and implanting DNA into bacterial cells.

He believes scientists will soon be able to do the same, adding simple organisms with functions useful for agriculture and medicine, as well as sending robots into space to read strings of alien life forms. and send them back to Earth.

In his latest book, “Life at the Speed ​​of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life,” he said: “In the years to come, it will become more and more possible to make many types of artificial cells from computer software. Rebuilding cells from scratch will open the door to extraordinary abilities “.

The scientist also predicts that in the future, machines will be able to analyze and create genetic maps, which can then be transmitted over the Internet or even sent to space, thus creating more opportunities for success in the world. search for extraterrestrial life.

He wrote: “The day is not far away when we can send genetic sequences, controlled by robots to other planets to read the DNA sequences of any extraterrestrial bacteria that may appear. If we can If we bring this information back to Earth, we can reconstruct their genes.

“An artificial version of the Martian gene could be used on Earth to recreate Martian life forms.”

In 2010, Dr Venter and his colleagues created a new type of chromosome from artificial DNA in a test tube, delivered to an empty cell in which the chromosome had proliferated – a sign of life.

The millionaire and prominent genomics doctor likens his work to building a computer, and artificial DNA is his software.

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