Science Ping

A supermassive black hole in the center of a distant galaxy suddenly “disappeared”

Experts were stunned after a supermassive black hole in the middle of a distant galaxy suddenly vanished without a trace.

Mysterious events have been discovered by researchers at several universities in North America. Galaxy A2261-BCG appears to have lost its black hole, some scientists believe it may be floating in space.

Almost all galaxies in the universe are believed to have a giant black hole at its center.

This means that the existence of an extremely powerful force in the galaxy could have pushed the supermassive black hole and sent it back far.

In fact, almost all galaxies in the universe are believed to have a giant black hole at its center, including our own, the Milky Way.

It was Dr. Kayhan Gultekin of the University of Michigan who studied the A2261-BCG galaxy when he noticed signs that the black hole was missing.

“I was very skeptical and thought we were going to see something in the middle. But it turned out that was not the case, ”said Dr Kayhan Gultekin.

The team also found that the black hole could still be lurking somewhere in the galaxy, but was difficult to detect.

Meanwhile, the force strong enough to push a black hole could be the collision of two supermassive black holes. Supermassive black holes have never been observed to merge, so finding evidence of this would be a breakthrough.

Scientists at NASA and the European Space Agency say they will focus more on this mystery of the galaxy.

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