Science Ping
Planet Earth

A series of major newspapers around the world eagerly awaited press conference NASA announced “an important discovery outside the solar system

Whether in this press conference, NASA experts announced outside the solar system that there is a planet with life like Earth?

As reported, at 1 a.m. on February 23, 2017 Vietnam time, the United States Aerospace Agency (NASA) will hold a press conference to announce important discoveries on exoplanets – the chimpanzee is outside the solar system.

The content of the press conference is still confidential, knowing only that here important information about planets outside the solar system – orbiting a host star like Earth and Sun will be revealed. This has led to speculation that NASA is referring to planets that could support life.

Loạt báo lớn trên thế giới hào hứng chờ đón buổi họp báo NASA công bố phát hiện quan trọng bên ngoài Hệ Mặt trời - Ảnh 1.

Astronomers have long focused on planets orbiting another star to prove that life exists outside the solar system.

NASA has analyzed dozens of planets that move around Sun-like stars at similar distances between the Sun and Earth.

At a press conference late last year, NASA announced the discovery of 1,284 new planets, 9 of which are located in regions suitable for life.

“One of the biggest questions of all time is whether or not we are alone in the universe. Large humans can answer this question scientifically, and the first step in answering this question is to examine exoplanets.

In August 2016, ESO discovered Proxima B – the second thought to be Earth with the capacity to nurture life, only 4.5 light years from Earth.

However, studying further, experts have denied the possibility that humans could survive on this planet because the habitat there is too harsh.

Currently, a series of major newspapers are in turmoil and extremely anxious to wait for the latest information released by NASA.

They posted some interesting information on their fanpage to remind them not to miss the press conference to announce this important information.

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