Science Ping

With a solid green design, TechnoPark Tower conquers the tech business community

Possessing an outstanding green design equivalent to smart buildings in the world, TechnoPark Tower has helped bring Vietnam to the map of countries with the smartest buildings in the world.

The prerequisites for the smartest buildings in the world

According to a Research Gate report, traditional buildings have had many negative impacts on the global environment as buildings consume up to 40% of total energy and emit the equivalent of CO2. In the United States, up to 73% of electricity is consumed by buildings. In Europe, almost 30% of the total waste generated comes from waste and wastes from the construction or demolition of buildings.

This poses an urgent problem: how to reduce the negative impact on the environment while the demand for buildings increases? The answer is to apply new technologies to solve the problem of energy efficiency in buildings. It is also an important element which constitutes the concept of “smart building” in the world.

Now, building smart buildings is not only about increasing the density of trees, but also about saving energy and reducing negative impacts on the environment. Since then, standards for classifying works by energy consumption, making it possible to classify the quality of construction and encourage sustainable development have been born.

One of the most prestigious certifications is LEED, issued by the Green Building Council of America. It is a globally prestigious rating system that assesses the design and performance of green environments in buildings, based on energy saving and environmental protection factors, in order to maintain quality air. Circulation in the building, low emissivity materials, safe for users. In the 10 smartest buildings in the world, up to 7 buildings are LEED Platinum certified – a high level on the LEED scale.

TechnoPark Tower: green design meets high evaluation criteria

Not apart from the tendency to use energy in the world, Vietnam has made efforts to make “green living” and “energy saving” a weakness in the development process. Many documents have been published, for example the law on the economic and efficient use of energy n ° 50/2010 / QH12 adopted by the National Assembly in 2010 and entered into force on 01/01/2011.

But to build a real “green” building requires a lot of effort, not only in the aspirations but also in the real capacity of implementation.

Thiết kế xanh bên vững, TechnoPark Tower chinh phục cộng đồng doanh nghiệp công nghệ - Ảnh 2.

Just launched with exceptional designs that meet LEED Platinum standards, TechnoPark Tower continues to assert its mark on the international stage when it meets equivalent standards for smart buildings around the world.

The tower has a green density of up to 25%, which equates to over 2,600 m2 and an open space of 30%. Thanks to this, the staff working in the building can relax, rejuvenate in the “relaxing garden in the middle of the air”, chat and rest on the seats or walk in the green corridor.

Without stopping at the design, the materials used in the building are also selected according to strict criteria, guaranteeing both energy savings and creating a healthy working environment for the users. The entire exterior of the building is covered with 26mm thick Low-E energy saving glass which effectively prevents heat transfer from inside to outside or from outside to inside. As a result, the temperature in the building is always kept stable, regardless of winter or summer.

TechnoPark Tower also uses materials such as adhesives and adhesives, paints and coatings, floors, industrial wood … to reduce the concentration of chemical pollutants (VOCs) that can affect air quality, human health. air, productivity and the environment. Inside the building, the garbage storage area is divided into recyclable, hazardous and non-recyclable basic waste; both help users to sort waste easily, while increasing the feeling of recycling and the level of environmental protection.

Thiết kế xanh bên vững, TechnoPark Tower chinh phục cộng đồng doanh nghiệp công nghệ - Ảnh 3.

Always putting energy optimization and sustainable development at the forefront, TechnoPark Tower applies rigorous solutions to optimize energy sources: rainwater systems are collected to storage tanks for irrigation and work…

In particular, TechnoPark’s design guarantees to minimize the problem of light pollution, for example the facade lighting system switches off automatically from 12 o’clock.

At the same time, over 75% of the areas where people work regularly are inspired by natural light, helping employees feel more excited and focused, thus increasing productivity and efficiency.

With the aim of creating a friendly and environmentally friendly living and working environment, TechnoPark Tower will become a new technological icon, bringing together companies with the same vision of developing an intelligent, sustainable working environment.

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