Science Ping
Animal Dog Other Pets

10 sensory facts about dogs we don’t know

Dogs can feel sadness, pre-detect owner’s cancer, and even experience earthquakes and lightning strikes.

1. Know when “mistress” gets pregnant

With their ultra-sensitive sense of smell, dogs can sense hormonal changes in a woman’s body, as well as sense the change in their gait to their emotions during pregnancy.

“Hey, food person, you miiiiight want to call a cab. This show’s about to start.”

When a woman is about to give birth, she will listen carefully and observe what the owner has to say and do, and will often show anxiety. It’s not interesting when the “person” first finds out that the baby is about to greet a dog inside the womb, not a human!

2. Understand the owner’s sadness

The dog has long been known as a sensitive species of human emotions. If you are sad, he will comfort you by resting his head on your lap and licking you affectionately. So why can they feel human emotions?

Research shows that part of a dog’s brain is similar to that of humans, they have the ability to “read” people’s emotions through their voices. Also, over thousands of years living with people, they gradually adapt to people through the evolving awareness of human emotions and intentions.

3. Feel the human fear

Why? Also with dogs’ super-sensitive sense of smell (millions of times more sensitive than a human’s nose), they can literally smell our fear.

This fear manifests itself in bodily phenomena such as sweating, faster pumping of blood, and the body’s release of the hormones adrenaline and pheromones into the air and in their nose. Not only can they feel it with their noses, but their eyes are also ‘radars’ to them. Dogs will observe your facial expression, breathing, standing (walking, running).

4. Warning when a person is about to have epilepsy

So far there are many cases where the “puppy” is rescued. Among them were the epilepsy cases rescued by the dogs.

Epilepsy assist dog Roxy and her owner Kate Hendra pose with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key in October 2012.

Trained dogs can warn you when you have a seizure within the next 10-20 minutes, enough time to take your medication or ask someone for help. If you have an epileptic seizure, they will try to protect you, save you from danger by pressing the emergency call button built into the house or shaking you to places easy to breathe, running to ask help others.

5. Detect cancer

When people have lung and breast cancer, their breathing will be slightly different than normal people. And thanks to this ultra-sensitive nostril, trained dogs can tell the difference. Not only that, they also detect skin cancer by smelling through sores on the skin and prostate cancer by smelling… the patient’s urine.

Dogs Can Recognize Cancer Cells In The Human Body

And of course, their accuracy is also very reliable: 98%. The discovery of this ability in dogs will be a promising new step in future science and medicine.

6. Diabetes

With this “miraculous” nose, dogs once again save people’s lives from episodes of hypoglycemia in our bodies. They will use their noses to smell the changes in your breathing and skin when the amount of hypoglycemia suddenly occurs – much like police measuring alcohol in the breath of sneaky drivers.

Cerys Davies and her dog Wendy. Wendy is part of the U.K. charity program Medical Detection Dogs, and is trained to detect blood sugar changes associated with type 1 diabetes.

In 2004, a diabetes detection dog training organization called “Diabetes Dog” (D4D) was started, and the training of the dogs was quite high and the quality of the training was very good.

7. Weather forecast

The dog can predict all kinds of weather conditions, from rain, storm, tornado to snow. They can predict weather like this because their ability to hear and smell is so much more than us. They can smell rain and even the smell of ozone in the air produced by lightning before lightning is seen.

Dogs can smell ozone from lightning before they see it (thunderbolt).

In addition, research also shows that the older the forest, the spicier the dogs, the more dogs feel the weather, the more signs of weather change are known.

8. Earthquake

It is also not uncommon for the dog to have the ability to predict an impending earthquake. But what’s special is that humans are using them for predictive purposes like this thousands of years ago. They breed them with other animals for the purpose of signaling natural disasters.

In it, dogs have fairly auditory ears, which allows them to hear underground movements. They will bark or howl while running or be next to their owner. Also, they often have bull-eared dogs to predict disasters as they hear better than dogs with flabby ears.

9. Insect pests

With the bedbugs you can completely find it and destroy it because of its unpleasant smell, but for things that hardly smell of termites, ants … it’s really “hands free”.

Oh sure, you can see the damage termites cause, but can you smell these guys? Dogs can.

Being bitten by termites or bedbugs is an obsession for many people.

However, if you own a dog, take them to the training center so they learn the ability to find and catch termites and bedbugs. He can find out where the bugs and the eggs of these nasty bugs are hiding. However, the dog’s lure ability is higher when it is well trained and the handler must also be good.

10. The enemies of the killer virus threaten the bees

Currently, the number of bees is decreasing and partly by humans, but partly by nature, especially by bacteria. This ‘foulbrood’ bacteria can kill bee larvae at any time and spread from hives to hives. This greatly affects the ecological environment as well as on the honey production farms.

Dogs are far more efficient than humans at finding a bacteria that harms bee larvae.
Vì vậy, các chuyên gia đã vào cuộc và họ phát hiện ra cách khắc phục loại vi khuẩn này. Trước tiên là họ sẽ cho những con chó được huấn luyện để tìm loại vi khuẩn ‘không đội trời chung với ong’ này trong từ tổ ong. Sau đó họ mới diệt chúng. Và tất nhiên để những chó đó không bị ong chích ‘phù mỏ’, họ sẽ chỉ để chúng ‘làm việc’ khi lũ ong đang ngừng hoạt động – tức là khoảng những tháng lạnh trong năm.

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