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Animal Dog Other Pets

Touching stories behind adorable photos of the "happiest dog in the world"

Behind the smiling and cheerful images lurks the hour-long fits that this dog has to endure, luckily the kind owner still has him with love and took care of him with all his heart.

Moose is an Australian Shepherd dog, he always appears with smiling and charming images, even the owner even gives him the title of “happiest dog in the world”. But behind that smile hides a very touching story.

The reason people always see fresh Moose is that from birth his skull has been deformed just like moose have many other illnesses too, but all of them don’t show up until they are 6 months old. Faced with these difficulties, many dogs can be abandoned by their owners, but luckily for Moose, owner Jennifer Osborne still loves him.

Câu chuyện cảm động đằng sau những bức ảnh đáng yêu của chú chó hạnh phúc nhất thế giới - Ảnh 1.
“The happiest dog in the world”.
Jennifer Osborne, who lives in the state of Ohio, said she found Moose at a pet store in June 2016. As soon as she saw the unusual-looking dog with a crooked nose, squinted eyes, a stick, a skull. deformed, she feared that if no one had carried her, the worst would happen to her. Jennifer said she was extremely grateful for adopting Moose, who believes these traits have formed since the dog was in the womb.
In addition to his somewhat abnormal appearance, Moose also suffers from a host of other ailments. “He also has a seasonal allergy, having dreamy eyes – it makes his eyelid glands swell. Since April 2018, Moose has also had major seizures – affecting his muscles.” body and brain, whenever it is the whole body, there are contractions and foam in the mouth. The worst part was he had 3 seizures in 30 hours, ”said Jennifer.
Câu chuyện cảm động đằng sau những bức ảnh đáng yêu của chú chó "hạnh phúc nhất thế giới" - Ảnh 2.
Câu chuyện cảm động đằng sau những bức ảnh đáng yêu của chú chó "hạnh phúc nhất thế giới" - Ảnh 2.
Despite his unusual appearance, Moose is still very cute.
“Shortly after, we took Moose for a magnetic resonance scan, and found that he had no forehead or sinuses, many parts of the brain were missing – especially the area of ​​the brain that supports smell – and a cyst in the area. deformity in the brain, ”Jennifer said.
Losing part of the brain will make Beautiful Dog’s disease worse, but the neurologist who examined Moose believes it won’t affect his longevity. In particular, the most important thing is that despite his illness, this dog is always happy, agile, as active as his brothers in the family.
The kind owner said: “He is the happiest dog I have ever met in my life and I am grateful that he is mine. Plus, Moose always acts so you never think he’s sick. Extremely intelligent, diverse personality and loves everyone especially her mother. He likes to play with toys but doesn’t understand that he has to share with his brothers. Moose knows he’s a special dog. “
Câu chuyện cảm động đằng sau những bức ảnh đáng yêu của chú chó hạnh phúc nhất thế giới - Ảnh 3.

Moose is just as smart and energetic as his brothers.

Câu chuyện cảm động đằng sau những bức ảnh đáng yêu của chú chó hạnh phúc nhất thế giới - Ảnh 4.
Jennifer Osborne with her dog.
Although the cost of treatment for Moose is very high, and Jennifer has her own problems, because she has a disability that prevents her from working a lot, but there is no other way. Both have to work hard every day. “With everything that happened to Moose, we feel so lucky that he survived. You are a miracle, ”Jennifer says happily.


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