Science Ping

Eating broccoli properly is not harmful

If you’re trying to eat healthier, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli should be the top priority on the food list. If you or your child isn’t a fan of broccoli, learn how to incorporate it into your daily diet for more flavor and nutrients.

Instructions for properly processing broccoli
Benefits of broccoli

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables has long been associated with a reduced risk of lifestyle-related illnesses, according to Medicalnewstoday. Many studies suggest increasing the consumption of plant foods such as broccoli in the diet to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease … not to mention, it can give you skin and hair. healthy. Strong and increasing energy while helping to lose healthy weight.

Just one cup of broccoli provides over 100% of your daily vitamin C and vitamin K requirements …

A study which has just been published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables will have good health effects. Specifically, daily consumption of broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts can reduce the build-up of harmful calcium in the aorta. This information has also been approved by the medical journal Medindia.

The study was carried out on 684 older Australian women. Scientific results show that those who eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables accumulate less calcium in the aorta. It is an important sign for diagnosing vascular disorders.

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one cup of chopped broccoli (about 91 grams) contains 31 calories, 0 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrate (including 2 grams of sugar and 2 grams of fiber) and 3 grams of protein. A single cup of broccoli provides over 100% of your daily requirement for vitamin C and vitamin K and a good serving of vitamin A, folic acid and potassium.

Dr Laura Blekkenhorst, principal investigator of this study, said that in previous studies they found that people who ate a lot of cruciferous vegetables had a lower risk of clinical cardiovascular disease (stroke, for example) than those who ate less or not. However, at that time, they couldn’t explain why this phenomenon occurred. New research helps them see the problem more deeply. Specifically, they found that older women who ate more vegetables per day had lower rates of wide aortic calcification.

According to scientists, vitamin K – an ingredient found in cruciferous vegetables – inhibits calcification in our blood vessels.

Rich in nutrition, but not everyone knows how to take full advantage of the value of broccoli. Some notes that if you’re not sure when to cook and cook broccoli, you can’t get the same nutrition as I thought:

Boil broccoli in water like any other vegetable

Like many other dishes, many people believe that vegetables can be boiled, and broccoli is no exception. Boiled broccoli is delicious and refreshing. But processing in the form of a boil can deplete much of the abundant vitamins in this food.

Boiled broccoli is very delicious, fresh, but processing by boiling can lead to a significant loss of vitamins in this food.

According to Dr. Tran Dinh Toan (director of the Institute of Clinical Nutrition), broccoli is boiled in boiling water, especially when it is boiled too long for the vegetables to ripen. This will cause the vitamins and minerals to dissolve in the water. Evaporation of water causes nutrients to evaporate. Therefore, boiling broccoli for vegetables is not the optimal solution for this food.

Solution: It is best if you want to eat in moderation, bring it. You can also fry this vegetable for additional vitamins and minerals. But failure to process in an overcooked form will lead to a significant loss of nutrition. If you can eat raw broccoli, you can also eat it for better nutritional value but you need to ensure a supply.

Throw out the broccoli leaves when cooking

We often think that eating broccoli is all about using cotton wool and the leaves that stick to it should be thrown away. Not many people know that this is a completely wrong habit. According to Health, broccoli leaves contain rich amounts of beta-carotene and it’s an antioxidant. In addition, the leaves also contain a lot of vitamins A and V.

From the next

A lot of people think that when you eat broccoli, you just have to eat pretty flowers. The rod is just a thrown away thing, don’t worry. However, nutrition experts say this is a very big mistake. Because the stem is the part that has more fiber than the broccoli. Not to mention, when you eat the stalk, you will see a pleasant sweetness. This is a very good part for those who want to lose weight and control it effectively.

Solution: Enjoy the broccoli stalks with every cooking and processing. Peel the stalk to make the dish softer and more attractive.

The stem is the part that contains more fiber than broccoli.

Many people think that by eating broccoli it is enough to take care of the pretty flowers, and the stem is simply thrown out, which is not worth bothering.

Eat broccoli when taking blood thinning medications

Vitamin K is found in high amounts in foods like broccoli. If you are taking a blood thinner warfarin containing medicine and have broccoli in your diet that day, it is extremely dangerous. This is because the high level of vitamin K can inactivate warfarin, leading to the risk of increased blood clotting, which makes it extremely dangerous for patients.

Solution: When using blood thinners, absolutely don’t eat foods like kale, lettuce, broccoli, and green beans …

Note when processing broccoli
Do not cut before washing

Cauliflower often has small insects or bedbugs inside, so don’t cut vegetables into small pieces before washing them. They should be washed directly under running water or you can soak them in salt water for 5-10 minutes to get rid of pests more easily.

It’s time to choose to eat cauliflower

Buy the right kind of cauliflower during the full flowering season to get the best fresh cauliflower plants. The best broccoli is from late July to late October, while white cauliflower is harvested mostly from mid-December to mid-April each year.

Do not process at high temperatures

For cauliflower, you should not cook too carefully as it will lose many nutrients from the food. According to experts, if broccoli is processed at high temperatures, many vitamin components, especially the cancer prevention group, will be reduced or lost.

Don’t eat a lot when your stomach hurts

Broccoli is a high fiber vegetable that easily produces bloating when eaten raw. Therefore, the best way for people with an upset stomach is to cook broccoli before eating. Or replace them with other foods like carrots, sweet potatoes …

Don’t eat when you have gout

Cauliflower is fairly high in purines, so it may be responsible for gout symptoms. So you should consider using it if you have gout to avoid side effects.

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