Science Ping

Do you want to live longer? Scientists suggest breeding dogs

Dogs can engage the owner in more physical activity, while also making them happier.
A new study published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes shows: Dog owners can extend their lives more than others. The health benefits of owning a dog are especially evident in people who have had a heart attack or other serious heart problems.
Previously, scientists taught dogs only to help owners reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. But studies linking dog ownership to mortality often show conflicting results.
In this new study, the researchers compiled an extremely large data set from 10 previous studies that included 3,837,005 people. After an average of about 10 years of follow-up, 530,515 of these cases died.
This data reveals the fact that dog owners have a 24% lower risk of death compared to non-owners. The incidence of cardiovascular disease is even 31% lower.
Among patients who already have severe heart problems, dog owners have up to 65% lower mortality than others.
Explaining these numbers, the researchers suggested that the dog may offer psychological benefits, as well as being able to entice the owner into more physical activities, such as walking the dog. .
Lead author of the study, Dr. Caroline K. Kramer, an endocrinologist at the University of Toronto, said this observational study could not prove the cause and effect, only dog ​​breeding was. responsible factor. the longevity of volunteers
But most strongly, she observed the benefits which were observed to be very pronounced. These are cardiovascular benefits, relief of depressive symptoms, and lower blood pressure, and this is especially true for people who already have heart disease.

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