Science Ping

Electronic cannabis – Death is gradually coming to smokers

Smoking electronic marijuana, regardless of how often, can lead to bronchitis, wheezing and an easy worsening of nCoV infection, according to a US study.

The study was published in the journal JAMA Network Open on December 22.

“Thanks to the influence of Covid-19, we were able to identify those who are The use of nicotine or electronic marijuana will suffer from respiratory illnesses, but no further research on this particular illness can be studied.

Gần đây, cần sa xuất hiện kiểu chơi là trộn vào thành phần thuốc lá điện tử để hút.Recently, cannabis has become the style of mixing with ingredients of electronic cigarettes for smoking.

Cannabis is a drug from the hemp plant called Cannabis Sativa. Currently cannabis, synthetic drugs are also known as potash, drunk, weed, talent, drums … Cannabis is used in the form of smoking, vape, inhalation, drink, recently the style of play is mixed in the city. Piece of electronic cigarette for smoking. This type of cannabis use appeared in Vietnam. Recently, Bach Mai Hospital has received a number of emergency cases due to the consumption of cannabis mixed with electronic cigarettes.

The results of an online survey conducted by the group of professors Jessica Braymiller showed that more than 2,000 high school students in Southern California, who smoked cigarettes or vapes, had symptoms of respiratory illnesses. Users of electronic cannabis are also more susceptible to bronchitis. The more it is used, the greater the risk of disease.

Consuming e-marijuana for 3 or more days per month doubles the risk of inflammation or narrowing of the airways, usually wheezing.

Dr. Albert Rizzo, medical director of the American Lung Association, said, “Research has also shown that cough, phlegm, and wheezing are symptoms of inflammation of the airways. determine whether it is a manifestation of chronic lung disease or not.

According to experts, the lungs are the organ most affected due to Covid-19, smokers and e-cigarettes, when infected with the virus, are at a higher risk of getting worse and dying.

Thomas Wills, professor and director of the Cancer Prevention Program at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, said, “The lesson is that using any electronic cigarette is bad for the health of the bar. teenagers, especially by mixing more “marijuana”.

So far, the difference between the symptoms of e-cannabis use and e-cigarettes has not been clearly explained. Professor Braymiller said: “It could be due to the different chemical ingredients. When you use vapes, you burn the liquid to inhale. The chemical difference between nicotine and cannabis causes the symptoms. However, more research is still needed. .

Dr Rizzo recommends: “If you are concerned about your health, do not vape. According to the United States Center for Disease Control, smokers and vapers have a higher risk of complications from Covid-19 than those who do. . other “.

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