Science Ping
Animal Cat Other Pets

Loving unattended cats, the owner set up the glasses in the attic to track the animals, but received the result that many people “had hair on their backs.”

Sometimes human love can be compromised by a little weird and a little scary scenes.

For the cats who always looked at their owners pitifully and pitifully, not everyone would be disappointed. Just like the guy in the article below, because he loves cats so much that he does everything, in the end, shivering him.

The story was shared by a Twitter user who had an @SCMcrocodile account. On October 23, this person said that a friend of his owns a store above that has a loft. Recently this person remodeled the ceiling and added glass so they could observe their 3 cats while they often play in the attic.

Thương lũ mèo không ai trông, chủ gắn kính lên gác xép dõi theo các con vật nhưng nhận lại kết quả khiến nhiều người sởn tóc gáy - Ảnh 1.
Thương lũ mèo không ai trông, chủ gắn kính lên gác xép dõi theo các con vật nhưng nhận lại kết quả khiến nhiều người sởn tóc gáy - Ảnh 3.

Cats are very lazy, have an overly cautious temperament and at the same time they have boundless curiosity. Since being provided with a few glasses by the owner, cats are more and more likely to satisfy their curiosity when they can stand in the attic and look down to observe the owner and customer as well as everyone’s movements. in the store.

@ SCMcrocodile’s post received over 182,000 likes, nearly 80,000 re-shares and hundreds of comments. Many people joke that the store owner’s cats are now like security cameras, can run 24/7 without batteries, without electricity, you just need to be fed on time. However, for many shy people, always having 3 pairs of eyes looking at them at all times is enough to feel goosebumps.

Additionally, @SCMcrocodile also added that the reason his friend regularly monitors the 3 cats is that they are pretty bad when they are hungry. If they are not fed on time, they will turn his house into a battlefield. @SCMcrocodile shared an additional photo of hungry cats to add more conviction to their story. Looking at this, cat owners will surely sympathize.

Thương lũ mèo không ai trông, chủ gắn kính lên gác xép dõi theo các con vật nhưng nhận lại kết quả khiến nhiều người sởn tóc gáy - Ảnh 4.

The photo shows the suffering of no one else who owns cats


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