Science Ping

7 mysteries about the universe that scientists have yet to explain

Unlike black holes, giant spaces are not a hole in space. On the other hand, Gaps are almost free of matter or dark matter. And unlike black holes, light can enter the gap even though scientists believe it contains dark energy.

The Giant Void is not the only void in the universe but the largest, its width estimated at 1.3 billion light years.

3. Dark matter

Dark matter is still a mystery, but we can still rely on it to explain some of the phenomena in space that have not been answered. Space researchers believe dark matter makes up 27% of the makeup of the universe.

Another hypothesis is also put forward: dark matter in the universe is a collection of primitive black holes.

4. Dark energy

If 27% of cosmic constituents belong to dark matter, the remaining 68% belong to dark energy (“normal” matter that we only know about 5%).

Like dark matter, we still don’t know much about dark energy, but the current theory is that dark energy is the reason for the expansion of space (whereas dark matter causes it to slow down this process).

Most of what we know about matter and dark energy comes from cosmic background radiation, when hydrogen molecules first formed by thermal radiation were saved around 380,000 after the Big Bang. year.

5. The great attractor (the great attractor)

You should know that about 220 million light years away is an object with such a powerful attraction that it can pull our entire Milky Way towards it.

Since the Big Bang, the entire universe has grown, so it’s understandable that our galaxy could move. However, he did not move in the direction he had originally intended.

A cluster with the above unusual attraction is known as a Large Attractor and its brightness depends on its own gravity. Some people believe that dark matter is what is the big point of attraction. Others claim that our galaxy – the Milky Way – obscures our view, leaving us oblivious that it is moving us closer and closer to 22 million km / h.

6. The mysterious moon of Saturn – Peggy

In short, Saturn has a mysterious little moon named Peggy.

In 2013, NASA’s Cassini ship took this image of Saturn’s belt, unintentionally capturing a moment when scientists believe a new small moon is slowly forming. This discovery partly elucidated the formation of 67 other Saturn satellites.

However, when NASA’s Jet Proulsion laboratory said in a press conference about the satellite “this satellite will not get bigger and it will most likely be destroyed.” Currently, Peggy’s condition remains a mystery.

7. “Tabby’s Star” – KIC 8462852

Star KIC 8462852 not only has an impressive and memorable name, but it is also an anomalous object that has no response 1,500 light years away.

There appears to be something on the way to KIC 8462852 called “Tabby’s Star”. About 20% of the light emitted by the star is obscured from our view. It is not exactly a planet, although even a planet as large as Jupiter only covers 1% of the star’s surface like KIC 8462852.

Some believe it is Dyson Foam, an incomplete version of a superstructure called the Dyson Ball, which surrounds a star and absorbs the energy it emits. We’ll probably know more about what’s going on with this star until NASA launches the James Webb space shuttle in 2018. However, wait until then for the “mysterious outer superstructure.” planet ”seems to be a relatively plausible explanation for this phenomenon.

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