Science Ping

5 very clean natural liver detox drinks

The liver is the body’s detoxifying organ, but it is itself poisoned. So for normal people liver detox is necessary, for people with liver disease, or who drink alcohol or drugs for a long time … liver detox is the most important factor. most important.

Green beans are welded and resistant to heat, so they are often used to detoxify the liver. How to process green bean juice to detoxify the liver as follows:

– Choose non-damaged and flat green beans, rinse with water. Be careful not to peel the green beans.

– Add the green beans to the fragrant roast, simmer until fragrant.

– Add 1.5 to 2 liters of water, add sugar and salt to taste.

– Close the lid of the saucepan, bring to a boil over high heat for 5 to 10 minutes then turn off the heat. Wait for the green bean juice to cool before using it.

Apple juice

Apple juice not only helps beautify the skin, stimulate digestion, but also detoxify the digestive tract thanks to its pectin content. From there, helps detoxify the liver. How to make apple juice is very simple, choose fresh and ripe apples, then rinse and squeeze the juice. Every day, drink a glass of apple juice to help the liver function to function better.

Atiso tea

One of the remarkable effects of artichoke tea is detoxification, liver cooling and heat. With sweet taste, when you drink artichoke tea, you don’t need to add sugar but still easy to drink.

Materials for making artichoke tea:

– Dry artichoke tea 15g

– 1 bunch of sticky leaves

– Alum sugar 20g

– Sugar sand 15g

– Pure water

Tools: vase, cup, dryer, saucepan, stove, sieve …

How to make artichoke tea as follows:

Artichoke cotton is dried at a stable temperature of about 50-70 degrees C, drying time 5-7 hours. Add the water, sticky leaves, granulated sugar and dried artichokes to a saucepan. When the mixture is boiling, add the alum sugar to the boil until the sugar is dissolved, turn off the heat. Pour the mixture through the sieve into the jar, pour into a glass and enjoy while the tea is still hot.

Pennywort juice

Gotu kola has a fresh and bitter taste, is a bit pungent, non-toxic has the effect of detoxifying the liver, cooling the liver, ..

To make, or prepare about 200g of Gotu Kola, soak it in salted water and wash it to remove dirt and germs that might stick on the leaves, then let it drain. Put in the blender mash and drink the water. Use every day for good health effects.

Black bean juice

Black beans contain many substances that are beneficial for the body, containing vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C and PP as well as a content of minerals and other substances. Especially in black beans contain molybdenum – a component of the enzyme sulfite oxidase effective for detoxifying sulfates (sulfates) for the body as well as the liver.

How to cook black bean juice as follows:

The black beans wash and remove the dirt then add a little sugar to the pan to just soften and cook until the black beans soften, then turn off the heat. Then you can use the black bean residue to make tea and drinking water to help heat and detoxify.

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