Science Ping
Planet Earth

What will be the experience on 7 planets identical to Earth in “Solar System 2.0”?

Another version of the solar system has been discovered, with seven planets similar in size to Earth, at least three of which have the potential to nurture life.

On the afternoon of February 22, 2017 (or 1 a.m. on February 23, 2017, Vietnam time), NASA announced another version of the solar system. It’s TRAPPIST-1, a star-planetary system made up of seven planets similar in size to Earth, at least 3 of which are in regions that can support life. In other words, these are the perfect places for science to search for alien life.

However, whether on these planets, water or life is a matter of the future. Because at the moment, experts don’t know a lot of information about them.

For the matter, suppose these planets could feed life now. So, if you had it, what would the experience be like?

It would be a wonderfully beautiful world – says science!

Basically there are a total of 7 planets that are similar in size to Earth. However, these planets orbit extremely close to their host star (even smaller than the distance from Mercury to the Sun).

It’s also because TRAPPIST-1 is just a dwarf star, much smaller and much cooler than the Sun.

Trải nghiệm trên 7 hành tinh giống hệt Trái đất trong hệ Mặt trời 2.0 sẽ như thế nào? - Ảnh 2.

The sky here will never be too bright, as it is always sunset, because the light your eyes receive from this star is only 0.5% more than when you are on Earth.

Although there is little light, the planets are more likely to be very hot. The reason is that they always receive almost the same amount of energy as the Earth.

And because the surface temperature of this star is quite low, the seven planets are located in areas with “acceptable” temperature thresholds.

Trải nghiệm trên 7 hành tinh giống hệt Trái đất trong hệ Mặt trời 2.0 sẽ như thế nào? - Ảnh 3.

It always looks like sunset. The sun here is also 10 times larger than the Earth

This is why, just for the tourist sight, they will be beautiful worlds. According to Amaury Triaud – one of the scientists involved in the study: “These will be beautiful sights. Every night you will see neighboring planets even larger in size than the supermoonons in the sky. Earth.”

The sun here also seems at least 10 times the size of Earth, but not blindingly bright, red and pink like salmon.

But in general, those are the only assumptions that will arise if people manage to work here. Wait until that day is … still a long way off.


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