Science Ping

What is sesame oil? The effects of sesame oil on health and caution when using

Sesame oil is a vegetable oil that many women like to use in cooking every day. However, not many of us really understand the positive health effects of this oil, yet it is so chosen.

What is sesame oil?

Sesame oil (also known as sesame oil) is one of the most popular vegetable oils today, considered “the queen of oils” because it not only creates delicious flavor for the dish. but also. There are many health benefits.

Sesame oil is extracted from sesame seeds (sesame seeds), has a strong smell, used for cooking and seasoning in cooking, especially in Chinese, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Korean and South Asian cuisines East. . Sesame seeds are cultivated a lot in tropical or temperate countries of Asia, although their size is very small, but the oil content of each sesame seed is very abundant.

The main ingredients of this oil are fatty acids such as: palmitic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid … In addition, sesame oil also contains many vitamins and minerals like manganese, zinc, iron, magnesium, Tryptophan… effective in improving health and beauty.

Based on the color of sesame seeds, sesame oil is divided into two categories: white sesame oil and black sesame oil. White sesame oil is pressed from white sesame seeds, this oil is especially good for children and the elderly. Meanwhile, black sesame oil pressed from black sesame seeds, has a characteristic aroma and is often used in everyday cooking as it is generally cheaper than white sesame oil.

Dựa vào màu sắc hạt mè, dầu mè được chia làm hai loại: Dầu mè trắng và dầu mè đen.

Based on the color of sesame seeds, sesame oil is divided into two categories: white sesame oil and black sesame oil.

In addition, people can also rely on the processing method to classify sesame oil, including raw sesame oil and ripe sesame oil.

Raw Sesame Oil: Hand cold pressed the first time, it will usually be a bright yellow color, darker than peanut oil, but with a clarity of sesame oil. Raw sesame oil is often used for healing due to its high nutrient content.
Sesame oil: made from sesame seeds, roasted and then pressed manually to obtain the oil. When roasted, sesame seeds usually change color, so when squeezed to obtain oil, the oil will turn red as well. When used for cooking, ripe sesame oil gives the dish an eye-catching yellow color and generally has a much higher aroma than raw sesame oil.

Besides oils like olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil … sesame oil is a vegetable oil which is currently encouraged to use as it has many positive health effects as well as improved lateral beauty. in. So what are the effects of sesame oil? Let’s find out more details in the next section of the article.

The effects of sesame oil on health

Regulates blood pressure, prevents cardiovascular disease

It is not natural that vegetable oil in general and sesame oil in particular are recommended by many cardiologists, especially for the elderly. The polyunsaturated saturated fat in sesame oil has a great effect on lowering blood pressure, reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. Thanks to this, sesame oil can prevent atherosclerosis, prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Sesamin and sesaminol in sesame oil also work to relieve stress, reduce stress, thereby lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressure, regulating blood pressure not only for the elderly but also for those who need to study. , work with high intensity and pressure.

Immune booster, anti-aging

Sesame oil is rich in antioxidants, has the ability to inactivate free radicals that damage cells, helps prevent aging, and strengthens the body’s immune system. Additionally, sesamol lignan and sesamin in sesame oil are sources of apoptosis, a compound capable of preventing the growth of cancer cells found in breast and prostate cancers.

Sesame oil is rich in antioxidants.

The ginger substance in sesame oil contains an organic compound called phytate which helps protect the body from cancer cells. In addition, the high content of magnesium and other essential ingredients in sesame oil also effectively reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.

Prevention of diabetes

Life is more and more busy, causing changes in eating habits, increasing the number of diabetic patients in recent years. It is a disease which, if we do not receive timely treatment and abstinence, will lead to many other dangerous complications.

According to data from 2006, adding sesame oil to the diet of diabetics will help control plasma glucose levels, thereby reducing symptoms of the disease. In addition, healthy people are also encouraged by doctors to regularly add sesame oil to the daily process of food processing to prevent diabetes.

Helps strengthen bones

Not everyone knows the effects of sesame oil on our bones. The use of sesame oil in the daily processing of food is an effective way to supplement the body with a large amount of copper and calcium. These are two minerals that play an extremely important role in the development of the skeletal system. They are essential materials in the process of bone formation, increase the density of bone cells, thus helping to strengthen bones and prevent many problems such as osteoporosis, degenerative joint diseases caused by aging.


Sesame oil is also an effective anti-inflammatory material, especially gingivitis, periodontitis due to copper and fatty acids. In addition, the anti-inflammatory ability of sesame oil is also shown to effectively reduce cold symptoms such as cough, sneeze and runny nose. It also helps fight inflammatory responses in the joints, improves swelling, pain, and redness in inflamed joints.

Increase blood circulation

Sử dụng dầu mè thường xuyên giúp giữ lại màu tóc tự nhiên và giảm rụng tóc.Regular use of sesame oil helps maintain natural hair color and reduce hair loss.

The copper contained in sesame oil is an essential material to promote the production of red blood cells in the body. This ensures that the tissues and organs of the body are fully and regularly pumped with blood. When the blood is circulating well, the metabolic process in the body also takes place quickly and smoothly.


In addition to the ability to help the body improve its resistance to the prevention of many dangerous diseases, sesame oil is also an ingredient with positive effects on beauty. Regular use of sesame oil helps maintain natural hair color and reduce hair loss. Additionally, sesame oil also works to care for the hair and protect the scalp from bacterial attacks.

Additionally, sesame oil is rich in vitamin E, zinc, and other antioxidants that help hydrate the skin, increase elasticity, smoothness, and fend off the signs of aging. Sesame oil can help prevent about 30% of the sun’s UV rays on the skin. It helps protect the skin from sunburn and damage when exposed to direct sunlight.

Note when using sesame oilHow to use sesame oil

Sesame oil is a vegetable oil that can be used for many different purposes especially in cooking, if used correctly not only will you improve the food but also promote all the positive effects of the product. this product.

Dầu mè là loại dầu thực vật có thể dùng vào nhiều mục đích khác nhau

Sesame oil is a vegetable oil that can be used for many different purposes.

Use sesame oil for frying food: Sesame oil is difficult to oxidize, so when used for frying, the food will retain its more appealing crunch, aroma and taste. Also, adding a few drops of sesame oil to beat with eggs will help your fried eggs to be softer.
Baking: When baking, adding a little sesame oil when kneading will help the finished cake to have a delicious and delicious flavor.
Baking: Spreading a little sesame oil on the surface of the grill will help prevent food from drying out, create a greasy aroma, and give the baked dish eye-catching colors.
Boiled Vegetables: Boiled vegetables will be greener and more eye-catching if you add 1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil to the broth.
Marinate Foods: Using sesame oil to marinate foods like meat will help them soften and not be chewy during processing. When marinated with vegetables, sesame oil helps maintain the freshness and natural color of foods.
For baby food: Adding 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of sesame oil to your baby’s bowl of porridge or baby powder after cooking will help the food taste more appealing, build resistance of the child.

  • Side effects of sesame oil

    Although sesame oil is a benign oil and easy to use, however, for some sensitive people, using sesame oil can cause dangerous side effects such as:

    Diarrhea: Sesame oil is effective against constipation, but if taken in large amounts, it can cause diarrhea.
    Allergies: rashes, itchy rash, rash, discomfort in the body, relapse of allergic rhinitis … these are signs of allergy to sesame oil.
    Anaphylaxis: A condition that occurs with a severe allergy to sesame oil, the most visible manifestations are difficulty breathing, chest tightness, wheezing, profuse vomiting, swelling of the lips, tongue, and respiratory tract … In this case, you must go immediately to the hospital for an emergency, to avoid any danger to your life.

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