Science Ping
Planet Earth

What if the insect completely disappeared from the ground?

The human race will also suffer the same fate shortly thereafter …

But no matter how much we hate it, we can’t survive without the bugs. Insects, humans, animals, plants – the entire food chain of the planet, the circle of life.

Chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra nếu côn trùng biến mất hoàn toàn khỏi mặt đất? - Ảnh 1.

The class of insects consists of invertebrates, the body is divided into 3 parts: the head, chest and abdomen. They have 1 pair of antennas and 3 pairs of pins. Many insects have flying wings. Spiders are not insects, as they have only 2 main parts of the body: the nipple and the abdomen; and they have up to 4 pairs of legs. A centipede is also not an insect as it can have up to 177 pairs of legs.

Being part of the planet’s important food chain, insects are not only a delicacy on the wine table, but also a vital source of vital energy for certain animals such as small birds, frogs, cows. . close and muscular. Without this food source, the above animals will inevitably become extinct, causing a strong impact on animals in other links of the food chain. The food chain is gradually being destroyed and people, the highest link in this food chain, cannot avoid the disaster that strikes them.

Not only affects the food sources of animals, insects also affect the pollination of plants.

Bees collect nectar while scattering pollen everywhere; or beetles, butterflies and flies. Plus, they also have the ability to stimulate flower growth.

Insects help break down animal carcasses, animal and plant waste, provide soil nutrients, and help plants grow. Terrestrial insects help add oxygen to the soil. They are the essential sources of nutrients for all plants.

The long version is too shy to read: For animals, insects are the main source of nutrients; For plants, insects are both a source of nutrients and agents that aid reproduction and regeneration.

If they were to disappear completely from the face of the earth, humans, as the ultimate link in the food chain, would quickly face genocide.

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