Science Ping
Strange News

What do the blind dream of?

As humans, everyone has had and will have dreams while sleeping. However, for the blind, what will they dream of when their vision is gone? It is an extremely interesting question.

For humans, dreams are mental experiences and delusions during sleep. Dream events are often impossible or unrealistic, as they are often beyond the dreamer’s control. However, in the case of a “lucid dream” or a “sobriety dream” when the dreamer realizes that he or she is dreaming, there is little control over it.

It is in ordinary people, but for the blind, how does their dream come true? Do they see dream images or do they just perceive the rest of the senses such as sounds, sounds or smells? Invite readers to follow the research below to decode.

First of all, blind people are not born blind, but are influenced by external factors. This means that they had normal eyes, but due to an accident or illness their sight no longer exists. In this group of people, they saw and felt a lot, so their dreams are quite normal.

However, over time this dream will certainly not be true anymore, as their memory cannot keep up with the passage of time. Even their loved ones, they may not be able to recognize their faces over the years.

As for people born blind, born without sight, their dream may still have images, but it is awkwardly arranged according to the dreamer’s feeling.

A 2014 study in Denmark showed that people born blind have the ability to dream images. However, these are just memories and thoughts from the dream year, it cannot be true.

In addition, this study also shows that people born blind are more likely to have nightmares, which is 4 times more than those of normal people. Most of them are sad, lost, or stuck in finding a way.

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