Science Ping

Venus sends spooky sound signals to NASA spacecraft

According to the Parker operations team at NASA’s Goddard Center for Aerospace, the ship has now made its third flight near Venus on July 11, 2020. While decoding the data the ship transmits to Earth, scientists have found signals “haunting” radio.

However, NASA believes it is a natural radio signal. It is a low frequency signal from the upper layers of the atmosphere, hitting the spacecraft as it enters that atmosphere. It won’t help us find Venus, but it will bring valuable data about the planet’s strange atmosphere.

According to Dr. Glyn Collison of Goddard, it is the “charged sea of ​​gas” or plasma of the planet that emits this radio wave. The radio broadcast will help provide enough data to calculate the density of the ionosphere. Scientists use it to prove the hypothesis that Venus’s ionosphere thins every time the Sun enters an active period of its 11-year cycle.

The Parker Sun’s flight to Venus is actually using the planet’s gravity to “boost” its eternal journey to the Sun, but also helps us understand it better. The new radio signal was discovered by FIELDS, a device that measures Parker’s electric and magnetic fields.

Venus is one of the targets that are well cared for by planetary scientists, as many recent studies have shown that she was born as the perfect twin brother of Earth, located in the “region of the world. Live” Loop or of the Sun. ”What made these two planets evolve in contrast remains a great mystery.

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