Science Ping

Unexpected benefits of lemon juice

Lemon juice is a great drink enjoyed by many people on summer days. However, in fact, not many people know about all of its amazing benefits such as helping you strengthen the immune system, aid the digestive system, regenerate the skin, or lose weight effectively.

Advantages and disadvantages of lemon juice

Start your day with a cup of lemon juice which has many health benefits.

Improve the immune system

Lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin C, it is a vitamin that helps strengthen the immune system, prevent colds and flu. According to nutritionist Michele Chevalley Hedge, lemon also improves the body’s ability to absorb iron, which is essential for a healthy immune system. “Vitamin C can quadruple the buildup of non-hene, a plant iron,” explains Chevalley.

Overcome heartburn, constipation

Lemons work to reduce common stomach problems such as nausea, heartburn, “kill” harmful bacteria. If you keep in the habit of drinking lemon juice regularly, you can also eliminate the risk of constipation. When you have bloating, indigestion and want to get rid of the discomfort quickly, you can also drink a glass of lemon juice to improve the situation.

Nước chanh nhanh chóng loại bỏ tình trạng đầy bụng, khó chịu.
Lemon juice quickly eliminates bloating, discomfort.

Skin recreation

According to Chevalley, lemons are a very useful food in the fight against skin aging. The antioxidant properties are manifested in the elimination of harmful free radicals, which are the cause of the signs of aging. “We all know that lemons are rich in vitamin C which helps synthesize collagen, reduces wrinkles. Vitamin C is needed for the synthesis of amino acids into collagen and the job of collagen is to bind tissues together and keep the skin. be tonic, said Chevalley.

Skin cleansing

To have a beautiful and luminous skin, 2 elements of water and vitamins are the most important, both contained in lemon juice. Water hydrates the skin, prevents your skin from drying out, and blurs dark areas under the eyes. The vitamin C content in lemons will keep your skin from oxidizing, preventing most signs of premature aging.

Mật ong và chanh là sự kết hợp hoàn hảo giúp bạn hấp thu được đầy đủ dưỡng chất, năng lượng và thúc đẩy hàm lượng collagen trong cơ thể. Hàm lượng collagen cao làn da bạn sẽ trông tươi sáng tự nhiên.
Honey and lemon are the perfect combination to help you absorb nutrients, energy, and increase the collagen content in the body. With a high collagen content, your skin will be naturally glowing.

Clean breath

The antiseptic properties of lemon juice help kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. A glass of lemon juice is also a way to keep you awake and more beneficial than coffee.

There is currently no empirical evidence for the optimum temperature for lemon juice, but Chevalley Hedge recommends using lemon juice at room temperature. “Most health experts agree that the room temperature is close to our body temperature and causes little reaction in the digestive system.

Chevalley thinks that it takes a large amount of lemon juice to damage tooth enamel, but if this worries you, rinse your mouth with clean water after drinking a cup of lemon juice.

Balance the pH

Lemons are one of the alkaline foods which are good for the body with proper pH because if there is too much acid in the body it can lead to inflammation. According to Chevalley: “Lemon juice is alkaline whereas most of us have an acidic body. However, food researchers still mistakenly believe that lemons are acidic in real life.” They are therefore alkaline. “

Nước chanh giàu tính kiềm giúp cân bằng độ pH trong cơ thể.
Lemon juice is alkaline to help balance the pH in the body.


Experts say that if you want to lose weight effectively, you should drink lemon juice every day, it will keep the muscles hydrated, make them function well, promote energy and health. Lemon juice has the ability to reduce hunger, but your stomach retains enough water and fiber.

If you want faster weight loss effect, add honey to lemon juice, it will achieve perfect stomach balance.

Control your blood pressure

Today, many people suffer from blood pressure illnesses caused by overuse of processed foods causing stress and lack of sleep. If you want to stabilize blood pressure without taking medication, lemon juice is your quick fix. Lemon juice helps you circulate blood vessels and improve the circulatory system. Drinking lemon juice will provide natural potassium and energy to reduce stress and help you sleep better.

Một cốc nước chanh mỗi ngày làm giảm sự căng thẳng và giúp bạn ngủ tốt hơn.
One cup of lemon juice a day reduces stress and helps you sleep better.


You want to reduce fever quickly, avoid electrolyte disturbances, drink a glass of fresh lemon juice right away, it will be effective immediately.

Lemon juice has so many health effects that it doesn’t mean you can drink too much of it. According to experts, if you are healthy and have normal body weight, you should drink half a lemon mixed with water, divided twice a day. If you are overweight, drink one cup of lemon juice (one lemon) per day.

Cure sore throat

Experts say the antioxidants and antibacterial properties in lemons have the ability to prevent infectious disease and remove harmful chemicals from the body. Lemon juice not only helps you regulate your breathing but also helps protect your throat and Amidan, to treat asthma.

Sự kết hợp giữa nước chanh và mật ong lại giúp bạn chữa trị viêm họng nhanh chóng.The combination of lemon juice and honey helps you treat sore throat fast.

Help the wound to heal

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, promotes healing in the body and is also an important nutrient for the maintenance of healthy bones, tissues and cartilage; at the same time reduces inflammation in the body.

According to Chevalley, vitamin C travels through the body and neutralizes free radicals. These free radicals can interact with healthy cells in the body, destroying cell membranes and causing inflammation.

Detoxification of the liver

Lemon juice also acts as a liver detoxifier. It cleanses the liver and improves liver function by increasing the production of bile acid, an acid essential for digestion. Lemon juice also helps control excess bile, reduces the production of phlegm in the body, and helps dissolve gallstones.

Một cốc nước cùng nửa quả chanh mỗi ngày đem lại cho cơ thể và tinh thần một sức sống mới.
A glass of water with half a lemon every day brings new vitality to body and soul.

Harmful by drinking too much lemon juice
Lemon juice can damage teeth

According to the American Dental Association, because lemons are very acidic, regular contact can erode tooth enamel. At the very least, try drinking through a straw to reduce direct contact with the acid on your teeth. Also, avoid brushing your teeth immediately after drinking lemon juice and drinking lots of water with lemon juice.

Too much lemon juice can upset the stomach

Although lemon juice has many benefits focused on gut health, according to Medical News Today, squeezing too much lemon in water can worsen common conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and acid reflux.

GERD and acid reflux are triggered by acidic foods, like lemons, and can cause heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

Lemon peels can be sprouts

You should avoid adding peeled lemon slices to the water when eating out.

In a 2007 study from the Journal of Environmental Health, researchers tested 76 lemon samples from 21 different restaurants in 43 tests and found that many lemons contain microorganisms that can cause disease.

To reduce the risk, squeeze a lemon into the water instead of dropping the whole lemon. And if you see the staff preparing the lemon with their bare hands, you better drink water.

The acidity of lemon juice can make a cold sore worse

Nước chanhDrinking too much lemon juice has the potential to make a cold sore worse.

There is nothing worse than waking up to the pain and soreness of a new cold sore. Although most go away on their own within a week or two, drinking too much lemon juice has the potential to make a cold sore worse, according to the American Dental Association.

Plus, if you eat a lot of citrus fruits, they might even be the underlying cause of a cold sore.

People shouldn’t drink lemonade
Hungry people should not drink lemonade

When you are hungry, don’t drink lemonade. Drinking this water on an empty stomach will adversely affect the stomach. The acids in lemons can wear down the stomach and cause ulcers and even bleeding. So we should only drink lemonade after eating it whole for about 30 minutes.

People with stomach problems should limit the consumption of lemon juice

Drinking too much lemon juice can worsen symptoms of stomach diseases like reflux syndrome. The reason is that lemons contain a lot of acids. People suffering from reflux, heartburn from drinking a lot of lemon juice will make the disease worse.

Cold, tired thorns should not drink lemon juice

When the person is cold or tired, you should not drink lemon juice because lemon juice is cold, it can make the body colder, more tired or sore in the joints, sore nerves.

People with diarrhea should not drink lemon juice

If you have bacterial diarrhea, drinking lemon juice has antibacterial benefits. However, if you have diarrhea due to a poor diet, avoid drinking lemon juice.

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