Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

Top 10 most powerful animals on the planet

One Kind has just listed a list of the 10 most powerful animals on the planet. Most important is the scarab when it can pull something heavier than its body 1,141 times.

1. manure beetle. It is the strongest animal on the planet when it can pull something heavier than its body 1,141 times. That’s the equivalent of being able to pull a full-sized double-decker bus full of people for the average adult.

2. Rhino set. While not as strong as a beetle, the rhino also makes people admire when they can lift an object that weighs 850 times its body. This is the equivalent of a normal person lifting 65 tons of objects.
3. The ants cut the leaves. Although they only weigh around 500 mg, ants have tremendous strength when they can use their teeth to lift something 50 times heavier than its body. It’s like an adult lifting a truck with his teeth.
4. African elephants. With a body weight of around 4 tons and hundreds of thousands of muscle bundles, the African elephant is the most powerful land mammal in the world. According to some studies, they can lift objects weighing around 6,350 kg and pull objects weighing around 9 tonnes.
5. Gorillas. As the world’s largest primate, it’s not hard to see why gorillas are some of the healthiest in the world. However, the most remarkable thing is that they can lift an object that weighs 10 times its body (equivalent to 2 tons).
6. Tiger. An adult tiger can carry something twice its body weight (about 550 kg) and jump on a tree about 3 m high.
7. Cow. Although not as strong as a tiger, but with her enduring health, an adult cow is still strong enough to pull an object weighing around 900 kg (1.5 times her body weight) over rough terrain.
8. Grizzly bear from North America. Can lift 1 object over 500 kg (0.8 times its weight).
9. South American green python. With the strength of its muscles, an adult South American python can easily kill its prey weighing around 250 kilograms by squeezing its body.

10. The eagle. Eagles are the world’s strongest species of birds because they can easily lift prey four times their body weight.

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