Science Ping

This place is extremely suitable for “transporting” at least 300 million people, and it is located in the solar system

Perhaps it is time for us to forget about Mars, because this place has enough energy to “transport” hundreds of millions of people.

In recent years, Mars is a very potential candidate to become the second home of humanity, especially after the discoveries of signs of life, and in particular the existence of water in the form of liquid water on the red planet.

But the more research is done, the lower this potential becomes, as living conditions on Mars are really too harsh, accompanied by a toxic layer covering the surface capable of destroying almost all signs of life on Mars.

That’s why recently some experts think we should move to a place with more potential. The candidate this time is Saturn’s Moon – Titan.

Specifically, according to Amanda Hendrix of the Institute of Planetary Sciences (Arizona) and Yuk Yung of Caltech (California), Titan stores enough energy to become a giant human colony, with the potential to contain up to 300 million people. .

“Titan – Saturn’s moon is an optimal location for human migration in the solar system,” said Hendrix.

“It has an Earth-grade atmosphere and is thick enough to form a shield against the sun’s radiation.”

In the published report, the team of experts points to a number of different energy sources on Titan, including: nuclear, chemical, hydrothermal, wind and even solar power.

For example, the first thing you do when you set foot on Titan is to use the elements available there (like the isotope plutonium 238) to build an atomic power station. In addition, Titan has some pretty terrible methane gas reserves, which can be used as a source of energy.

Địa điểm này cực kỳ phù hợp để cưu mang ít nhất 300 triệu người, và nó nằm trong hệ Mặt trời - Ảnh 2.

The surface of this satellite also has many seas and reservoirs of liquid hydrocarbons, that is to say, entirely converted into hydroelectricity.

Not to mention that the wind in Titan has a fairly high speed if it reaches a certain height – up to 20 m / s if it reaches an altitude of around 40,000 m. “The use of hot air balloons or wind turbines here is perfectly appropriate, as they can collect electricity up to hundreds of megawatts,” Hendrix explained.

Finally, one of the most notable energy sources is solar power. Although compared to Earth, Titan has a distance of 10 times from the Sun, but if new technology emerges, that will not be a problem at all.

According to Yuk Yung, 10% of Titan’s surface if covered with solar panels is more than enough to power an entire colony.

“Titan has a lot of sources to obtain energy for future human conquests,” the study concluded.

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