Science Ping
Strange News

The strange creature looks like a human brain, slimy and frightening in Canada

The object “gelatinous brain spot” located in a park in British Columbia, Canada, looked terrified.

Lagoons are famous for their spooky marsh creatures. But recently scientists discovered an equally strange thing in Vancouver Park, British Columbia, Canada: a “lumpy brain spot.”

The strange creature has a wrinkled appearance like a human brain, soft and flexible. According to experts, this strange organism has the scientific name of Pectinatella magnifica, with a collection of hundreds of small creatures.

Fossil evidence suggests the creature existed 470 million years ago. Biomass is actually hundreds of individuals gathered in a herd. Every organism called a zooid, less than a millimeter, tiny invertebrates, almost impossible to see with the naked eye

Hundreds of animals together can clump together with a special protein, creating a variety of shapes, even dendrites. They can reproduce asexually, if they are separated from the whole under favorable conditions, they multiply rapidly and stick together to preserve their number. The “slimy” mass resembles the brain of a man who eats algae in water rich in nutrients.

Most of these strange creatures live in the marine environment, but the species is found in Stanley Park, Vancouver, in freshwater. The discovery of the strange creature was reported at an event hosted by the Stanley Ecological Association, where scientists shared the results of the park’s investigation, which identified hundreds of organisms.

In the Lagoon Lost area, the organic lake is to the south of the park, the gooey “giant” is there.

This is not the first time that such a strange creature has been discovered in this part of Canada. However, scientists do not know why they appear and float on the surface of the water. It is possible that global warming is causing the displacement of organisms, they argue. They need 16 degrees Celsius hotter water temperature to operate.

Another theory is that this organism lived there without human recognition because it was difficult to find, and the dark colors help them camouflage well in muddy water.

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