Science Ping

The solar system has 5 “ninth planets”.

There is growing scientific evidence that Planet 9 or Planet X is real, but studies have suggested five different versions of this mysterious planet.

1. In fact, the seventh planet was ejected from the solar system.

This is the result of a shocking research by Carnegie Mellon University (United States), published in the scientific journal Icarus at the end of November 2020. The team created 6000 astronomical models that have reconstructed the history of the solar system and found anomalies in the rotational speed of some planets such as Saturn and Uranus, thus deducing a “lost planet” located between the orbits of these two planets.

The terrifying tornado created by the Kuiper Belt at the edge of the solar system and the giant aura shattered the orbit of this ancient 7th planet, causing it to roll out of the solar system.

2. A giant block of gold flying near Mars

Tiểu hành tinh PsycheResearch conducted by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (New Mexico, USA), also published on Icarus, identified Psyche – an asteroid once confirmed by NASA has a composition mainly of gold and platinum, phase Some iron and nickel – in fact an incomplete planet, prematurely mortified by a collision … Evidence shows that the material that made up Psyche reacted with extraterrestrial effects in exactly the same way as Earth, which is the planetary material.

3. Giant planet, 1 year in 20,000 Earth years

This is one of the most supported theories on the “9th planet”. According to a study by the California Institute of Technology (USA) published in 2018, it is an invisible “ghost planet”, but still identifiable thanks to its impact on objects on the edge of the solar system. The authors calculated that this planet is four times the size and weight of 10 times that of Earth. Because it is so far away, it takes up to 20,000 Earth years to make a complete circle around the Sun.

4. Also on the edge, but the black hole

Published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, research from Harvard University (USA) also determined the existence of a giant object at the edge of the solar system, but then discovered that it was not a planet but from a pure black hole … a large water … a grapefruit. The study is also based on the interaction of an invisible object on the Oort cloud and other stray objects at the edge of the solar system.

5. Pluto

Sao Diêm VươngPluto was the ninth planet in the solar system until it was demoted to a dwarf planet in 2006.

This statement has been repeated many times by the head of NASA – scientist Jim Bidenstine. NASA’s New Horizons mission since 2015 has discovered more and more “planetary standard” characteristics of this celestial object. Not only that, it could also be a life-bearing planet with the existence of an underground ocean under the left lobe of the heart-shaped copper glacier Sputnik Planitia and the hydrothermal system – the same structure as the ‘we think we are the transmitter. birth to life on Earth.

Pluto was the ninth planet in the solar system until it was “demoted” to a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Association (IAU), making the solar system officially eight.

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