Science Ping

The school is like the paradise of the Greek philosopher Aristotle

The school features lush green landscapes, sip springs and large caves as in Greek mythology.

According to Acient Origins, Aristotle was an exceptional pupil of the great philosopher Plato, with the merits of continuing, developing and unifying philosophy into ancient philosophical thought. Along with Plato and Socrates, Aristotle was one of the three pillars of ancient Greek civilization.

Famous as one of the greatest minds of the time, Aristotle was invited to court by Philip II – the Macedonian king, to court to teach Prince Alexander, who later became Alexander the Great.

Aristotle founded a school in Nymphaion, Mieza, located near the tomb of his father Alexander the Great in Naoussa, a small town in northern Greece. The school has a green landscape, gorged springs and large caves as in ancient Greek mythology. In a beautiful setting like heaven on earth, students of Aristotle received knowledge of philosophy and many other sciences in the 4th century BC.

The scene is like heaven

When Aristotle built the school in these beautiful caves, in addition to the temple of the goddesses, the earth was also filled with ancient relics. It can be said that the row of pillars supporting the two-story dome still exists today, the Ionic style pillars consisting of two spiral rings mounted on the pillars are decorated with the edge.

The school is made up of the connection of three natural caves. The stone wall has a flat vertical surface, the rows of holes carved into the stone of the roof are still present today. The tiles and decorative ceramics of the eaves are exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Veroia.

Bích họa mô tả trường học của Aristotle do họa sĩ Raphael vẽ năm 1509-1510.

The beautiful scene where the great philosopher hung out with his followers, at the same time imparted to them philosophies about the world of morality and politics which have remained largely unchanged over the centuries. The paths covered with grass and flowers, the green trees, the fresh streams flowing peacefully remain intact.

The sage of Naoussa

Aristotle was born in 384 BC in the town of Stagira, Chalkidice, on the northern outskirts of ancient Greece. Her father was Nicomachus, a physician, and her mother was Phaestia. Aristotle has a younger brother named Arimnestus and a younger sister named Arimneste.

Aristotle’s parents died when he was very young, and the guardian Proxenus of Atarneus, taught Aristotle for several years before sending him to Athens to attend the Platonic school.

Aristotle studied there from 18 to 37 years old. In 347 BC, when he left school, Aristotle became a famous philosopher among the aristocrats of the wealthy old Macedonian capital Pella.

Aristotle believed in fundamental concepts and knowledge acquired on the basis of perception. His knowledge of the natural sciences is used to present many fundamental philosophical foundations.

Aristotle’s writings cover many fields such as physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, economics, politics, ethics, biology and zoology.

Aristotle is considered the foundation of logic, some of his works are considered the first known official studies of logic, which in the nineteenth century became the basis of modern formal logic.

Aristotle’s analytical findings created new perspectives on physics, guided research for medieval scholars, and extended their influence into the Renaissance. These views were still considered irreplaceable until the Enlightenment because of their close connection to the Scientific Revolution.

In terms of appearance, Aristotle was a short, bald man with small eyes. He is also addicted to clothing and luxury items. For his disciples, Aristotle showed a special charisma, otherwise why would he have such an influence on students with severe academic demands.

Famous students of Aristotle

After Aristotle left Plato’s Academy in 343 BC, the Macedonian monarch Philip II invited Aristotle to court to teach Prince Alexander and other nobles of the Macedonian dynasty, such as Ptolemy (the founder of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt) or Cassandra – ruler of Macedonia from 305 to 297 BC.

Aristotle imparted to the young students all his knowledge, in addition to the theoretical subjects obtained in the school of Plato, the subjects which he liked to like were also the subject of heated discussions. .

School textbooks are also compiled in an abstract and metaphysical way that differs from regular schools. Aristotle’s goal is to provide students with their own independent perspective, the books only serve as a guide or note-taking support. This teaching method has proven to be particularly suitable for elite students studying at this school.

Một góc trường học của Aristotle.In addition, Aristotle also teaches students a lot of medical knowledge such as the prevention of early detection of disease and the search for effective drugs. This knowledge proved to be very useful to Alexander during the war on difficult battlefields and even going wherever Alexander carried a copy of Homer’s Iliad.

Alexander loved and respected Aristotle, always regarded the sage as his father and claimed his life once received from his father, but the one who taught him to be the one who succeeds in everything was Aristotle.

In 335 BC, Alexander prepared to invade the Persian Empire, Aristotle returned to Athens to set up a school called the Lyceum and taught there for over a decade. Aristotle died in 322 BC, a year after Alexander’s death. Aristotle’s philosophical legacy is full of interesting books and stories about the great king of mankind – Alexander the Great.

Today, many tourists visit Naoussa, visit places where Alexander and Aristotle spoke about philosophy, experience the wisdom of the ancient sages.

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