Science Ping

The Roman Emperor and his “bedroom” hobbies make people “shiver”

In ancient Roman society, homosexual love with men and women is common and common, especially among the elite.

For many people, the ancient Roman emperors were wise, righteous and trustworthy. But many people see these ancient rulers of the Roman Empire as symbols of cruelty, enmity, and many crazy and sick actions.

Here are the most morbid and immoral actions of Roman emperors recorded by historians, according to the set.

Creation of “royal brothels”

Emperor Caligula (reigned 37-41) was famous for his lavish spending habits, but was not good at making money. After almost emptying the chests, Caligula came up with an “initiative” – to turn the palace into a veritable brothel.

But in essence, it’s an act of “disguised theft”, when he offers – but in fact he forces the men in town to “cum”. The main source of prostitution was her sisters, as well as some women in the city who were forced to be sold in the palace.

Sau khi gần như làm cạn kiện ngân khố, Caligula nảy ra "sáng kiến" - biến cung điện thành một nhà thổ đúng nghĩa.After almost emptying the chests, Caligula came up with an “initiative” – to turn the palace into a veritable brothel.

In addition, he also lent interest to the people, but called the soldiers the name of “supporters” of the royal fund. Such a blatant form of “theft” of money of course cannot be sustainable, as evidenced by the time when Caligula’s reign lasted only 5 years.

The transsexual emperor

Elagabalus or Heliogabalus (circa 203-222) there was a Roman emperor with the most eccentric sex life. During his reign (years 218-222), Elagabalus married and divorced 5 women respectively. The second Empress Aquilia Severa after the divorce became the fourth queen because her ex-husband returned.

Obviously, Elagabalus despised the Roman polytheistic tradition, since Severa had originally had a Vestalis sacerdos.

According to mythology, Vesta is the virgin goddess who protects the house and the fire. When recruited as Vestalis priesthoods, a virgin officially became a holy nun, she had to swear to remain celibate for 30 years to prevent the fire of the goddess Vesta from going out. If she broke the oath, the girl would be buried alive to die slowly in a cellar with only a little water and enough food to savor a few days. The man who committed the crime will be beaten to death with a leather king in the square.

Despite sexual taboos, Elagabalus openly boasted that his male homosexuality was stronger than the gods, because of his excuse. Living at the same time as Elagabalus, historian Dio Cassius Cocceianus (c. 165-229) said that the emperor Elagabalus behaved like a woman (liked to put a match, body of xv and xv and xv and xv and xv and xv and xv and xhc xv and xv and xhc xv and xv and xhc xv and, although he was a native slave of Caria in Asia Minor, the emperor promised to divide half of the Roman Empire by any able doctor to make him a real woman, now identified Elagabalus as transgender.

The shocking sex life of Emperor Nero

Long ago, the stories of Emperor Nero’s bed appeared a lot in Roman history. The sex life of this Roman prince was noticed by many for its crazy things.

This tyrant held a great feast for several days. Finally, Emperor Nero arranged a gay marriage with a slave named Pythagoras – who worked in a wine cellar. In this same-sex marriage, Nero played the role of a woman. This is one of two shocking openly same-sex marriages of Emperor Nero.

In addition to sick sexual interest, death row inmates before being executed also made fun of this mad prince.

The Roman Emperor Nero also had a sick hobby which was to put boys and girls naked and dress like animals. Then Nero made them dance and then this prince pretended to jump to eat them. It was one of Emperor Nero’s crazy pastimes.

In addition, those condemned to death before being executed were also ridiculed by this mad prince. Nero pretends to be a hungry and evil animal, just waiting to eat on death row in front of the people around.

“Part-time” prostitution

Emperor Elagabalus, who ruled the Roman Empire from 203 to 222, also established a “royal brothel” in the palace. But more horrible than Caligula, Elagabal, besides being emperor, sold himself.

The Emperor also has his own team dedicated to finding clients who will play. He even won “guests” with his subordinates and is still proud to have many clients, earning more money than them.

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