Science Ping

The owner cried thinking his dog had suddenly died. Who expected it because he ate the wrong cannabis cake

A little dog named Bentley had eaten the wrong bread containing cannabis and had woken up for many hours. The owner quickly received heavy criticism from the online community for her careless behavior.

It is known that at the time of the incident, Ms. Melissa Sturnick (United States) saw her Bentley continuously chewing something. Partly because it’s dark, partly because Bentley has always had a habit of eating various things on the floor, so Melissa didn’t pay much attention. And that’s where it all started …

The next morning Melissa became extremely panicked when she saw Bentley curled up in her lap and somehow waking up. Scared she tried everything to wake the dog up, Melissa finally took a piece of ham to see if the food could wake the animal up – luckily the ham worked a miracle.

“Geez that night I saw a Bentley gnawing at something on the ground, thinking it was a stick or something, so I didn’t pay much attention. , after a while when she shook her body, she didn’t react, I saw her open her eyes, but she didn’t move “- Melissa replied.

Bentley’s strange actions caused Melissa to be extremely panicked, luckily the ham and some bread motivated the Chihuahua to move around and approach the food. After being full and drunk, Bentley returned to his normal state.

As it turns out, while the Bentley, while gnawing through trash on the ground, accidentally ate a piece of cannabis cake without knowing it, its weird actions were due to the effects of the THC compounds in cannabis, Melissa’s video was quickly criticized by netizens saying she was too careless and reckless, tolerating THC would cause long-term problems for Bentley. According to scientists, cannabis is absolutely unsuitable for pets like dogs and cats and can affect their mental health.

Chủ khóc hết nước mắt tưởng chó cưng đột tử, ai ngờ do nó ăn nhầm bánh cần sa - Ảnh 3.

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