Science Ping

The most dangerous bird in the world is recorded by the Guinness Book of Records

The Australian cat-headed ostrich is recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous bird in the world. They possess a sharp claw and the most powerful rock force of all species.

Never get angry when standing in front of an ostrich. The best way is not to notice it and to walk away as quickly as possible, before it’s too late.

Đà điểu đầu mèo

The Australian cat-headed ostrich belongs to the large family of wingless walking birds. It lives mainly in the rainforests of New Guinea and northeastern Australia. Females are generally larger and have a shinier coat than males.

Những móng vuốt cực nhọn của đà điể đầu mèo

More frightening, it is a bird with an aggressive character, the sense of protection of the territory is extremely strict. Unfortunately for humans and other animals, they accidentally invade their territory in the wild. Confronted with an animal of about 1m2 in height, “two legs two knives”, angry … will really be a nightmare

Its feet have extremely sharp claws. The nail of the middle toe can be up to 125mm long. These claws are extremely frightening when they use their feet to kick people and objects. If they were attacked, the victim, if not dead, was very serious.

Đà điểu đầu mèo có thể chạy với vận tốc 50km/h xuyên qua rừng rậm

When fully grown, the South Australian cat ostrich is around 1.5-1.8m tall, the female can grow up to 2m tall and weigh 58.5kg.

The cat-headed ostrich can run at speeds up to 50 km / h in the jungle, which means even Usain Bolt – the fastest man on the planet – has no door to escape the ostrich. Of the cat. When they run, they lift their wings and beat for balance. He can also jump up to 1.5m. In addition, they are also very talented swimmers.

Chúng có một cái mào nhìn như sừng

They have a horn-shaped ridge, but are actually very soft and spongy, up to 18cm tall. There are many theories about this horn: someone told the horn to attract children, to make weapons, to be a tool when running in the woods.

Ostriches are birds that prefer to live on their own, unless they choose a mate, lay eggs and forage for food. After mating, the female lays the eggs, the male takes care of the heat.

Ostriches mainly eat flowers, mushrooms, snails, insects, frogs, birds, mice, fish.

Đà điểu đầu mèo có thể chạy với vận tốc 50km/h

The species has been described as dangerous to humans and domestic animals, with many records of its attacks on humans. He even has plenty of evidence that he can kill people by eviscerating.

Chim đà điểu đầu mèo ăn chủ yếu là hoa, nấm, ốc sên, côn trùng, ếch, chim, chuột, cá.

In 2007, the crested ostrich was listed in the Guinness Book of Records with the title of “the most dangerous bird in the world”.

By the time the 19th century entered, they were largely hunted, so they were almost extinct. Currently, the number of individuals living in the wild is not very much, they can almost be admired only at the zoo.

Chúng cũng là những vận động viên bơi hết sức tài ba

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