Science Ping
Animal Rescues

The lynx desperately fought the lion

Separated from its mother, the young lynx tries to growl and threaten its huge predator without success.

Rikard Ryden recorded an uneven battle between lions and lynxes at Maasai Mara Sanctuary in Kenya, the latest sightings reported from November 17. Ryden and the group of tourists grabbed the mother and the meadow on the morning walk.

“Seeing the grass lynx is extremely rare, not to mention the young ones, so we are very excited. But seconds later, we saw two young cubs approaching the bush where the mother and the lynx were walking. Our guide was quite enough. sad because he knew the little lynx was in danger, ”said Ryden.

“We drove towards the lions, tried to harass them. However, the predators were too mindful of the lions and not very concerned about other things, even when we almost ran into them,” he added.

The two lions quickly walked to a corner of the bushes and the mother lion fled. When the group of tourists came to a more favorable position to observe, the lioness found the little lynx. He tries to scare the lioness away, but in vain. The lion quickly grabbed the small animal and bit it. Then the mother lynx ran and called the young. Ryden shared, he and everyone feel very sad when the mom realizes her baby has died.

“We have never seen the grass lynx. The tour guide has been working in Masai for 12 years and has only seen the lynx four times. The sight we see may not have been seen before. ” We didn’t even know the lynx was the lion’s target as well, ”Ryden said.

The grass lynx (Leptailurus serval) is native to Africa. They are talented predators, often targeting rodents, reptiles, birds, frogs, and insects. Unlike most feral cats, they almost never have to eat scavengers or the remains of other animals. Scientists believe the reason is that they hunt so well.

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