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Animal Dog Other Pets

The best dog in the world

Dogs have many breeds, different sizes and sizes, different colors but the same courage, especially very loyal to the owner. 2018 is the year of dogs, together discovering the best of dogs in the world.

1. The most beautiful dog in the world

Chó Phốc sóc (Pomeranian/Pom).Pomeranian / Pom.

He is a very small and adorable dog, the whole body is covered with a thick coat which makes his body look bigger than it really is. This dog is very popular with companion dog lovers because he is very wise, obedient, loyal and barks very loudly which makes him very suitable for the home. Their only downside is that, because they are too small, their bones are weak, they are very susceptible to injury if the owner accidentally plays or plays too hard.

2. The most expensive dog in the world

Loài chó Samoyedc có giá từ 6.500 đến 12.000 USD.Samoyedc dogs cost between $ 6,500 and $ 12,000.

The Siberian-Samoyed sled dog has an extremely cute appearance with white fur and an innate friendly nature. Therefore, they always easily win the hearts of people, especially women.

Although sweet and charming, but Samoyed is the “diligent” guard. A Samoyed dog will always diligently watch and bark to alert anyone who approaches the “territory” they are entering. To own a “standard” Samoyed, the amount you need to spend is around $ 6,500-12,000.

3. The smartest dog in the world

Chó Rottweiler hay còn gọi là chó rotti là một giống chó có nguồn gốc ở Đức.The Rottweiler, also known as the Rotti dog, is a breed that originated in Germany.

The Rottweiler, also known as the Rotti dog, is a breed of dog that originated in Germany, used as a sheepdog but often trained to become a professional dog. They are known to be calm, confident and loyal dogs with superior intelligence.

4. The strangest dog in the world

Chó săn Afghan (Afghan Hound).Afghan Hound (Afghan Hound).

The Afghan Hound (Afghan Hound) is a dog native to Central Asia. They are ranked among the best hunting dogs. The Afghan has a relatively strong, supple and tall appearance.

One of the hallmarks of this breed is that it often displays a thoughtful expression. The Afghans watched it very quickly, rarely lingering for long. Males are 68 to 74 cm, females 63 to 69 cm and have an average life expectancy of 11 to 13 years.

5. The fiercest and most dangerous dog in the world

Giống chó Pit Bull hung dữ và nguy hiểm nhất thế giới.The fiercest and most dangerous breed of Pit Bull in the world.

The pit bull is a breed of domestic dog that originated in the Americas, bred in England in the 18th century and bred as a housekeeper and also used in dog fighting. They are dogs chosen from British Bulldogs and Terriers.

It is a fierce, aggressive, persevering and tough dog known as a cold blooded assassin, also known as the warrior dog or the gladiator.

Pit bull dogs are used to fight other breeds in the arena or in a large hole to serve bloody battles. They are also trained to hunt.

6. The world’s most popular dog breed

Loài chó Labrador Retriever The Labrador Retriever is most common in many countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain, and America.

Lab is the most popular dog breed in many countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and USA. They are conscientious, obedient, friendly with children and other animals.

Labs is very intelligent and is often chosen as a guide dog for blind people or patients with autism. Of course, thanks to his intelligence, the Labrador also has the confidence of the legal authorities. If you own a Labs dog, congratulations on having a very interesting companion.

7. The biggest dog in the world

Great Dane được coi là giống cho cao nhất trên thế giới cùng với chó săn Irish Wolfhound.The Great Dane is considered to be the largest breed in the world along with the Irish Wolfhound.

The Great Dane or the Danish Clam is a breed with a harmonious combination of strength and elegance. With a height of around 80cm and a weight of up to 90kg, they are considered the tallest breed in the world along with the Irish Wolfhound.

The Great Dane was chosen as the iconic dog of Pennsylvania, United States, in 1965.

8. The smallest dog in the world

Chó Chihuahua - trọng lượng 1,5-2,2kg.Chihuahua dog – weight 1.5-2.2 kg.

The Chihuahua dog is a breed of Mexican dog weighing between 1.5 and 2.2 kg. Their origins remain a mystery, with only speculation that the figures in paintings found in Mexico dating back to 300 BC belong to the ancestors of today’s Chihuahua.

9. The ugliest dog in the world

Chó có mào là một loài chó cảnh cỡ nhỏ có nguồn gốc từ Trung Quốc.

The crested dog is a small companion dog that originated in China.

The crested dog, sometimes referred to as the Mao dog, is a small ornamental dog native to China and its deep roots in Africa.

This uniquely-looking dog with an ugly appearance and a crest-shaped crown, this dog has almost always won the ugliest dog on the planet in canine beauty pageants.

Their bodies are hairless, except for a crown on the top of the head that looks like a crest, a pinch on the tail and a little on the toes. Hairless, their skin is very sensitive and needs protection from the outside.

10. The best watchdog in the world

Loài chó Bullmastiff đứng đầu bảng xếp hạng những giống chó giữ nhà tốt nhất.The Bullmastiff is at the top of the ranking of the best breeds of guard dogs.

The Bullmastiff, nicknamed the “Mighty Warrior”, leads the ranking of the best guard dogs. Bullmastiffs are extremely healthy and agile, extremely strong, intelligent and loyal, and the Bullmastiff is a very dedicated family caretaker.

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