Science Ping

The 7 main principles for the safe and responsible use of alcohol during the Tet holidays

In the last days of the old year and at the start of the new year, alcohol is inevitable. However, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to loss of behavioral control, accidents and long-term health problems.

How To Use Alcohol Safely During Tet Holidays

Here are 7 principles you should follow when consuming alcohol in particular or alcoholic beverages in general during Tet to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.

1. Know your limits and figure out where to stop

Consuming alcohol in the right amounts is also a healthy lifestyle, provided you understand its effects on the body, according to the Australian Department of Health. The Australian Department of Health recommends that healthy adults drink no more than 10 standard drinks per week and no more than 4 standard drinks per day to reduce the risk of lifelong harm from alcohol.

Each standard drink contains 10 g of pure alcohol, or 260 ml of 4.8% alcohol beer. This is the amount of alcohol that the human body can process in 1 hour. The total amount of alcohol you can drink depends on your age, weight, gender, and mental condition.If you do not eat anything before you drink, alcohol enters your bloodstream more quickly.

Drinking too much of your body can lead to an accident or a hangover injury. Regularly drinking a lot of alcohol also increases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart attack, cancer, liver failure, brain damage, and mental illness.

2. Eat before and while you drink alcohol

Alcohol is absorbed through the stomach and small intestine, and then enters the bloodstream. If you do not eat anything before drinking alcohol, the alcohol enters the bloodstream more quickly.

So, you should eat before drinking and even while drinking. Some things you should note such as:

To drink a lot of water.
Do not mix alcohol with sugary drinks or energy drinks.
Avoid foods high in salt, as they will quickly make you thirsty and drink more.
3. Quantity control

It’s easy to fall into alcohol and drink more than you think. A standard drink is equivalent to approximately 1 can / bottle of beer with an alcohol content of 3.8% (most cans / bottles on the market today have an alcohol content of 4-5.5%), 100 ml of light alcohol or 30 ml of brandy. Mixed alcoholic drinks are served in restaurants, nightclubs, bars … often have an alcohol content higher than a standard drink.

Set limits for yourself and stick to them. Avoid drinks “evenly”, especially if your friend drinks more. Try to drink everything before ordering more instead of “stack of cans” on the table.

4. Reduce your alcohol intake with non-alcoholic drinks

The level of alcohol in your blood will directly affect your body. The higher your blood alcohol level, the higher your risk of an accident.

Bạn uống càng nhanh thì nồng độ cồn trong máu càng cao.

The faster you drink, the higher the concentration of alcohol in your blood.

Our body can only process 10g of alcohol per hour. In other words, in 1 hour the amount of alcohol your body can “carry” is less than 1 can of beer. The faster you drink, the higher the concentration of alcohol in your blood.

To be safe, drink slowly and reduce your alcohol intake by:

Drink more non-alcoholic drinks.
Drink water to reduce thirst before drinking alcohol.
Choose drinks that are low in alcohol.
Should take sips instead of “gulp”.
5. Do not participate in drinking games or challenges

When you lose yourself in the pleasure and start to get drunk, your risk of danger, injury, or even alcohol poisoning increases.

Try to stay away from games, challenges … the ultimate goal of which is for participants to drink as much, get drunk as quickly as possible. Instead, you can dance, sing, or chat about a movie or entertainment show.

Be careful, you should not mix alcohol with energy drinks as this will make it easier to consume and you will drink more. At the same time, you should be especially careful when drinking alcohol while taking medication or undergoing medical treatment.

6. Don’t drive if you drink alcohol

Driving a vehicle with alcohol in the blood or in the breath is strictly prohibited under the Alcohol and Beer Harm Prevention and Control Act 2019 (effective from of 01/01/2020). At the same time, the government’s decree 100/2019 / ND-CP states that the highest level of fine for violations of drinking and driving concentration is a fine of VND 40 million for cars, a fine of 8 million VND for motorcycles and additional penalties include disruption of driver’s license up to 24 months, detention of the vehicle … in blood and breath).

In addition, there is no safe threshold for driving after drinking. The more you drink, the more likely you are to be involved in a traffic accident. And when a traffic accident occurs, other traffic vehicles on the road are involved, not just yourself.

Instead of driving after drinking alcohol, you can:

Plan to get home before the fun begins.
Decide who will bring them back, and of course that person is not allowed to drink.
Have cash or a bank card available to take a taxi, call a tech car.
Study the route of public transport (if applicable).
7. Please decline if you …

. Tốt nhất là bạn không nên uống rượu bia nói riêng và đồ uống có cồn nói chung khi chưa đủ 18 tuổi

It is best not to drink alcohol in particular and alcoholic beverages in general when you are under 18.

Underage, pregnant or planning to become pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication, being treated, or suffering from psychological stress or depression

In some cases, alcohol consumption can be harmful. It is best not to drink alcohol in particular and alcoholic beverages in general when you are under 18. And the Prevention of Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Beer Act 2019 also prohibits those under the age of 18 from drinking alcohol.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, to ensure the safety of the health of the baby, it is best not to drink alcohol.

Also, when taking medication, it is better to avoid alcohol. Because when the drug is mixed with alcohol, it can cause unwanted side effects. In addition, you should not drink alcohol when you are feeling stressed or depressed, because after drinking it you will feel worse.

Drink alcohol in a safe and responsible manner for yourself and the community.

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