Science Ping

The 7 best vegetables are the “enemy” of diabetes, eating them will help control blood sugar better

Diabetes currently has no medication to completely cure it. So, you need to know how to control your daily calorie intake by adding a variety of vegetables. In fact, there are several types of vegetables which are very helpful in lowering blood sugar levels in the body. Let’s find out what these foods are!

Vegetables are good for people with diabetes

1. Cauliflower

Bông cải trắng

Cooked broccoli has a mild taste, so it’s easy to eat. In addition, cauliflower is rich in chromium, can regulate blood sugar and effectively improve glucose tolerance.

But it should be noted that cauliflower should not be overcooked and should be purchased fresh to avoid losing nutrients.

2. Peas

Đậu Hà Lan

Like cauliflower, peas are also quite high in chromium, so they can promote insulin metabolism to alleviate symptoms of diabetes.

3. Peppers

Ớt chuông

Peppers can promote the absorption of sugar by blood cells, preventing blood sugar from rising too quickly after a meal and effectively regulating blood sugar.

4. Spinach water

Rau muống

Studies have shown that water spinach can help type 2 diabetics better control their blood sugar. Therefore, please actively add more water spinach and prepare more dishes in your daily meal!

5. Bean sprouts

Đậu cô ve

Coke beans are high in fiber, which can lower blood sugar to some extent after meals. Surprisingly, it can also prevent complications from high blood pressure.

6. Cabbage

Bắp cải

Cabbage is rich in vitamin E, can promote insulin secretion and formation in human body, thereby better regulating blood sugar.

7. Fatty potatoes

Khoai mỡ

Yams are high in antioxidants, including anthocyanins and vitamin C. Anthocyanin lightens yams, helps lower blood pressure and fight inflammation, prevent cancer and type 2 diabetes.

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