Science Ping
Animal Cat Other Pets

The 28-fingered cat broke the world record

The cat named Paws has a particularly high number of toes due to an excess of toe defects.

Paws, a cat with 28 toes, broke the old Guinness World Record set in 2002 for the cat with the most toes, UPI reported on February 9. The owner of Paws is Jeanne Martin, living in Northfield, Minnesota, USA.

Cats typically have 18 toes, each with 5 toes for each front paw and 4 toes for each hind paw. However, Paws has an unusually high number of toes due to an excess of toe defect, also known as polydactyl. The cat was brought back from the maple syrup farm by Walter Nachtigall, Martin’s daughter’s partner.

Mèo Paws có tổng cộng 28 ngón chân. Ảnh: CBS.

“In the past, Paws liked it when I let him sit on his lap and stroke his stomach. He felt safe. So when he gave birth he took them back to my farm and hid in the Studebaker truck I had. To work, “says Nachtigall.

The unusually wide feet often help Paws maintain good balance on extremely narrow surfaces, Martin said. When she took him to the vet to have his nails cut, she kept reminding them to have their 28 toes done. Doctors also don’t charge extra fees for taking care of Paws, despite Martin’s suggestion.

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