Science Ping

Surprise with food that can make you bloat

You’ll be surprised to see that broccoli, apples, grains, and even yogurt are on this bloated and bloated food list.

Dairy products like cheese or cow’s milk can cause digestive problems, especially if you are sensitive or unable to metabolize lactose – a sugar naturally found in dairy products.

Cruciferous vegetables – Cauliflower, broccoli, and kale are all part of the cruciferous family. These vegetables are packed with good nutrients like folate, vitamin C, and fiber, and they even help prevent cancer. However, they also contain raffinose – a white crystal sugar that the body cannot digest due to the lack of a certain enzyme. Instead, raffinose is stimulated by bacteria, the main cause of gas.

Rau thuộc họ cảiCruciferous vegetables contain raffinose, raffinose is stimulated by bacteria, the main cause of gas.

Foods High in Sodium (Salt) – For the most part, we tend to eat more salt than what is recommended on a daily basis. The body responds to excessive salt intake by keeping it hydrated. Canned and processed foods and processed sauces are often high in sodium.

Alcoholic Drinks – Like foods high in sodium, alcoholic drinks can also keep the body hydrated, causing bloating. Additionally, drinking a lot of drinks can make you constipated, leaving many people bloated.

Watermelon – It’s hard to believe that watermelon has nothing to do with the body because it is mostly water. However, watermelon is high in fructose, a natural sugar that gives fruit sweetness. Many people cannot absorb fructose, which is why watermelon can cause bloating.

Legumes – Peas or soybeans are high in fiber and healthy protein, but that’s why they’re hard to digest. It is also difficult for our bodies to absorb all of the fiber in the beans, which can cause bloating and bloating.

Các loại đậuLegumes are high in fiber and protein, which makes them difficult to digest.

Yogurt – It depends on the yogurt you eat. If it is white yogurt, it is really good for the stomach because of its many beneficial bacteria and good for digestion. However, if you eat yogurt that is high in sugar, there will be more fermentation in the stomach, which will make you feel bloated and bloated.

Grains – Rye and wheat contain fructans, a type of carbohydrate that many people often have trouble digesting.

Carbonated drinks – The bubbles in these drinks can make your stomach bloat.

Onions – Surprise? Onions are high in carbohydrates. More precisely, it contains 1 type of carbohydrates like cereals, fructans. Fructan is not only difficult to absorb, but also leads to a lot of water in the intestine, causing bloating.

Natural Sweeteners – Many people often use natural sweeteners because they are calorie-free. But calories aren’t everything. Natural sweeteners like xylitol and sorbitol both take a long time to digest.

Popcorn – Nothing special about this popular snack can cause bloating. Just the amount of popcorn most of us eat makes our stomachs swell more than usual. One serving of popcorn should equal 3 to 4 cups of flour. The amount of popcorn most of us eat makes our stomachs bloat more than usual.

Sugar-free gum often contains natural sweeteners that can cause bloating and bloating. In addition, chewing a lot of gum is also not good for the stomach because then you swallow a lot of air.

Apples – Another surprise, but in fact, apples contain three types of gas and bloating: fiber, fructose, and sorbitol. Other fruits that also contain sorbitol are peaches, plums, and dried plums.

Coffee is a diuretic drink but also increases stomach acid, which can lead to bloating in sensitive people. If you are lactose intolerant, adding milk to coffee will make it worse.

Dried Fruits: It is a rich source of nutrients and fiber. However, they are not good for people with fructose malabsorption, the natural sugar. The high amount of fructose in dried fruits can also cause an upset stomach if you overeat.

Shiitake Mushroom: This mushroom is used in many dishes. However, it can cause gas due to the presence of polyol compounds, which makes it difficult for the small intestine to digest. Additionally, eating too many mushrooms can also have a strong laxative effect, causing diarrhea.

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