Science Ping
Strange News

Strange story: 3,500-year-old jewel does not challenge scientific intelligence

Everything belongs to the ancient Greek gem, 1000 years later!
It is a shocking statement to all of us, how can a piece of jewelry penetrate 1000 years after its existence.

Until now, the world cannot explain why so many objects and inventions appeared centuries earlier in ancient times, is it true that the mysterious history of body piercing is real?

Chuyện lạ: Viên ngọc 3.500 tuổi xuyên không thách thức trí tuệ khoa học - Ảnh 1.

Image in the air in the 3,500-year-old gem

In 2015, in an olive grove near the ancient city of Pylos (Greece), archaeologists discovered a mausoleum containing the treasure of an ancient Greek warrior named “Griffin Warrior” containing 3,000 jewels. items such as weapons, cups and armor in gold and silver and 50 gold seals and jewelry engraved with intricate images. Scientists call it: Griffin Warrior’s Treasure.

Among them, archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati found a stone with an ugly appearance, they did not realize its significance.

Chuyện lạ: Viên ngọc 3.500 tuổi xuyên không thách thức trí tuệ khoa học - Ảnh 2.

It wasn’t until they started removing the limestone that they realized it was a gem that still retains its shape and hides some great carvings.

However, experts are noticed by an extremely sophisticated carved jewel, dating back 3,500 years, on par with the greatest works of art of the ancient world.

The surprisingly pure gem, approximately 3.6 cm long, represents the fierce battle of three warriors.

On the pearl are very sophisticated and intricate carvings.

It was only by using an observation microscope that the firefighters realized that this was one of the finest works of Greek prehistoric art in the world.

The secret is revealed… This strange gem belongs to another world!

Chuyện lạ: Viên ngọc 3.500 tuổi xuyên không thách thức trí tuệ khoa học - Ảnh 3.

The image of the 3 fighting warriors could not be so delicately and meticulously carved into a bead of only 3.6 cm long in the Bronze Age!

Dr Jack Davis, a member of the research team, said: “It is interesting that the way the warrior’s body was sculpted with such a detailed level of detail belongs to the 1000 Greek artistic era. next year! What a breathtaking discovery.

Chuyện lạ: Viên ngọc 3.500 tuổi xuyên không thách thức trí tuệ khoa học - Ảnh 4.

Surprisingly 2, the image of the Battle of the Three Warriors on the Jewel is identical to the war scene from the “Iliad” and “Odyssey” oral accounts of the eminent ancient Greek poet Homer.

Indeed, the world in which we live conceals so many mysteries!

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