Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues Strange News

Snail catching a giant toad fish

Workers at a tourist resort in Guangdong province, as they search for a snail and catch a fish, are identified as giant Chinese toads by scientists.

According to People, Mr. Tieu, an employee of the tourist area, at noon on March 21, caught a fish in the Van Luc Coc tourist area, Ha Nguyen City, Guangdong Province. The fish weighs almost 6 kg and is 83 cm long.

“I was looking for a snail in a small cave, when I discovered a strange fish, with 4 small legs, swimming in the water”, remembers Mr. Tieu. He confirmed that they were wild fish, as there was no fish farm nearby.

Scientists from the Ha Nguyen City Forest Department determined that it was the Chinese giant toadfish, also known as the salamander, the world’s largest amphibian.

This breed resembles crying babies, so the Chinese also call it “wa wa yu” which means newborn fish.

This species is currently listed in the Chinese Red Book as a secondary protected animal. In China, “wa wa yu” lives mainly in the Yangtze, Yellow River and Pearl River basins. There are currently only about 50,000 living in the wild.

After learning that it was a precious fish, Mr. Tieu and the station staff released it.

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