Science Ping
Planet Earth

Shocking statement from over 500 experts: “Earth is a floating saucer in space”

Humans have entered the 21st century, but the International Conference for Those Who Believe in … the Flat Earth is still taking place in the United States in mid-November 2017.

Many ancient Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle believed the Earth to be spherical.

But until around the third century BC, this was only confirmed by the methods of astronomical observation of eminent scientists like Archimedes or Eratosthenes.

Since then, the Earth theory began to spread widely across mainland Europe as well as the Middle East.

In 1522, the theory of the Earth was fully verified by the travels of Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano around the world.

The spherical Earth has become universal knowledge and is confirmed by many different scientific evidence.

However, more than 500 “experts” from around the world gathered in Raleigh, capital of North Carolina in mid-November 2017, to attend the first International Conference on the Flat Earth.

Despite paying a ticket price of up to 249 USD (equivalent to nearly six million VND), most people decide to spend the money to get a seat to listen to the “famous scholars” who debunk the lies. from NASA on the dance. Earth is just a floating saucer in the universe.

Phát biểu gây sốc của hơn 500 chuyên gia: Trái Đất là một chiếc đĩa bay trôi nổi trong vũ trụ - Ảnh 2.

The spherical Earth has become common knowledge around the world.

More than 500 “experts” attending the conference all believe that the Earth is a flat circle with the edge of the wall of ice surrounding it as in the Game of Thrones television series.

They have repeatedly emphasized, “Instead of preventing the invasion of the ‘white shadow’, this wall was built by someone to protect people from the risk of falling back into space.

Moreover, the sky has the equivalent of a hemispherical dome, taken above the surface to protect the Earth. And the stars, the Sun or the Moon are inherently thrown into the sky to deceive ordinary people about its existence.

Not all space images provided by NASA are real. Do not be in a hurry to believe this false evidence. ”

Phát biểu gây sốc của hơn 500 chuyên gia: Trái Đất là một chiếc đĩa bay trôi nổi trong vũ trụ - Ảnh 3.

Although entering the 21st century, more than 500 “experts” still believe that the Earth is a floating saucer in space.

International conference dedicated to those who believe in … Flat Earth is being held within two days with themes such as: “NASA and Lies About the Universe”; “The Earth is flat with scientific methods”; “Wake up to scientific lies” or “Earth theory test”.

However, after the heated debate ended, they gave only a few vague conclusions on their homepage: “After many experiments, investigations and research, we have found that the universe is not. Like what scientific institutions are trying to believe.

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