Science Ping

Send the cat to her mother to take care of her on a business trip for half a month, the girl who returned was immediately surprised by the appearance of the animal she did not realize

After only half a month, Ms. Thai’s pet cat became an “alien”.

Cats are a very fattening breed due to their nature, they do not eat, sleep, play and often catch rats and are entertained. If the owner does not measure and measure the amount of food each day, he is very susceptible to obesity. Understanding this, Ms. Thai from China is still trying to control her cat’s food to maintain the animal’s weight balance.

One day, the Thai company asked him to go into business for a while. Thai has no choice but to send the cat to his mother’s care for about half a month. With this, she can be assured of working elsewhere.

Gửi mèo cưng nhờ mẹ chăm hộ để đi công tác nửa tháng, cô gái trở về liền ngỡ ngàng với diện mạo của con vật đến nỗi không nhận ra - Ảnh 1.

I thought only 15 days nothing would happen but only Thai predictions. Coming back from a business trip to his mother’s house to pick up the cat, Thai realized that his pet was completely deformed. Thai still remembers very clearly when she entered her mother’s room to find her cat, he was still sleeping in her mother’s arms. Apparently knowing the return of the master, the cat opened his eyes blankly and stared at Thai but didn’t rush to congratulate her.

The first time he met his pet cat, Thai couldn’t help but feel surprised, even exclaiming, “Is that a kitten to take care of me? How can he be so large? “. After that, my master really recognized himself and shook his face happily.

Thai didn’t expect his cat to grow so big one day that he didn’t realize it.

Gửi mèo cưng nhờ mẹ chăm hộ để đi công tác nửa tháng, cô gái trở về liền ngỡ ngàng với diện mạo của con vật đến nỗi không nhận ra - Ảnh 3.

Thai then asked her mother how she could grow her cat so quickly. The mother’s response was also very simple, she only fed the animal every day, and she kept following the owner’s mother to beg. So the cat only ate and slept for half a month, and couldn’t even go out for a walk, so his body became so round that it was difficult to notice.

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