Science Ping

Research: Eating grapes protects skin from UV rays and wears sunscreen

In a recent study by American scientists, grapes have the ability to create a “protective layer” for the skin from within against the dangerous effects of UV rays from the sun.

Eating grapes can protect the skin from harmful UV rays which lead to sunburn, skin damage and the risk of developing skin cancer. Results recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology indicate that an active ingredient called polyphenols in grapes may help prevent skin damage caused by UV rays.

Polyphenol trong nho có thể giúp ngăn chặn những tổn hại trên da do tia UV.Polyphenols in grapes can help prevent skin damage from UV rays.

In the study published by the University of Alabama, researchers gave participants the equivalent of a 2.25 cup serving of fresh grapes per day to participants. Before and after two weeks of consuming grape powder, the researchers used UV rays to determine the dose of UV radiation needed to induce “redness” about 24 hours later.

The comparison showed that after drinking grape powder for about two weeks, participants’ skin was more resistant to the harmful effects of UV rays. The Minimum Erythemic Dose (MED) index used to measure the sensitivity of human skin to UV rays increased on average by 74.8%.

A skin biopsy taken from the participants found that a diet with grape powder could reduce inflammatory markers, reduce the rate of dead skin cells and reduce DNA damage. In addition, the results also point out that adding grapes to the diet is a simple but quite effective way to reduce skin damage and the likelihood of developing skin cancer in humans.

Principal investigator of the study, Dr. Craig Elmets explained: “We have found a protective effect against UV rays by eating grapes and we can determine its molecular benefits by repairing DNA damage and reducing the risk of swelling and inflammation. Grapes are like an edible. sunscreen and provide an extra layer of protection in addition to sunscreen products on the skin.

According to the study, about one-fifth of Americans contract skin cancer by the age of 70. Most of the causes of skin cancer are linked to exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. In addition, about 90% of aging turns out to be caused by sun exposure.

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