Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

Redbird and basic information about this bird

The leopard is one of the most popular breeds of pets and is popular with most bird families. Birds are good at singing or kicking, but they are very shy, especially when coming back from the forest, so it usually takes around 2-3 years for farmers to tame a bird.

Features of the shape and character of the bird

Well-proportioned body, proportional parts with a flat head, straight pointed beak, straight and numerous tail feathers, long legs, pointed nails.

The eyes are the most special part of the bird eye breed and are very interested in the avian world because according to them when we look into the eyes of the bird we can guess whether the bird is gentle or bad, daring. or shy, …

The eyelids are relatively round, small but bright, often open, with a peculiar structure: there is no white, but rather the bottom of the eyes (eye shadow) with many different colors (such as: green bean, natural lam thanh, water of white eyes, hazelnuts, emerald green, golden saffron, …), in the center of the eye is a black pupil.

The coat is not beautiful but varies in color and differs in each region. For example: birds in high mountains, cold, the feathers are lighter, silvery; the birds of the plains, hot, the feathers are yellow; … In addition, Lang Son lilies usually have a dark yellow or reddish feather color, while Ha Giang and Dien Bien leopards are lighter in color .; …

In its natural environment, lichrows live individually on “private territories”; therefore, they do not accept the presence of other “strangers”, especially the male leopard; very aggressive in nature, always has fierce competition for women

Distinguish between serpentine and serpentine

Females generally have a small head, slender body, and short legs, while males are muscular and have larger heads.

Moths tend to have a more colorful and eye-catching appearance. In addition, the black beard like a cat’s beard in the male eyelash grows along the beak, while the female eyelash grows horizontally.

Some Notes When Raising Birds

Newly caught tangerines are often scared and shy for people, so to get them used to the conditions of captivity, farmers need to cover their cages (leave a small space) and hang them in a quiet place, there are few people passing by. ; at the same time, gradually opening the gap to allow the bird to become more and more courageous.

A good tip for beginners is to hang a cage with a relatively pure butterfly hen next to the male’s cage, which will reduce fear and quickly adapt to captivity. You can also do the opposite if you want a pure hen!

Bird eye care should be done regularly, set every hour of the day to create good habits for the birds, helping them to form conditional reflexes that are suitable for the captive environment. For example: open the cage in the morning at a fixed time, then hang the bird cage in a fixed position and fill with water, drink water for the bird at a fixed time, …

In order for the birds to have a better and more distinctive singing voice, expert avianists recommend allowing them to interact with other birds on a regular basis by taking them for a walk or buying music with the sound of birds singing for catches of birds. birds and learn the voices of other birds. around; it also helps the bird to be more human.

Birds are very fond of bathing, they have a habit of picking up their feathers and pecking them after each bath.

However, it is advisable to limit this habit when the bird goes wild (usually should only be allowed to bathe every 2-3 days) because at this time on its body will grow a lot of tubular feathers containing blood, of Harvesting or hair pecking action can damage these growing tubular hairs, preventing them from growing back evenly, beautifully and not promoting hair removal.

Mink food

Chimneys are quite easy to assemble, their food is mostly rice / bran (homemade) and a small rake, grasshoppers, crickets or silkworm chrysalis is enough every day. However, you should also pay attention to the diet and diet so that the bird will have the best health, without some common diseases.

You can refer to how to create a bird food mix shared by experienced players.

Specifically: Pour a can of cow’s milk (250gr) in a golden roasting pan – beat about 4 egg yolks / duck eggs and mix together – then dry for a few hours to dry. The rice and egg mixture will then be used as bird food.

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