Science Ping
Planet Earth

Only a meteor has grazed the Earth and it is big enough to have its own “Moon”

Meteors have “Moon”? What is happening here?

According to information recorded by NASA, at 6:05 am today – 5/26/2019 – there was a meteor flying through Earth.

The meteorite was named 1999 KW4. But notably, this asteroid is so large that it carries a small asteroid as a satellite, like the Moon of Earth.

“It is one of the closest pairs of meteorites to Earth in history,” said planetary specialist Vishnu Reddy. “This makes them very interesting observation targets.”

1999 KW4 is 1,500m wide – not too big, but enough to give gravity to its 500m wide asteroid “Moon” orbiting it. And even if it is called “flying”, the distance of this duo from Earth must also reach almost 5 million kilometers, so the risk of hitting our planet is impossible. Even this distance is not enough for us to observe them with the naked eye.

Scientists expect the next “duo” to return to Earth in 2036 and bring no danger.

Futurism Science Alert

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