Science Ping

Objects carrying the “germ of life” older than Earth have fallen in Germany

41 scientists from 7 countries gathered to analyze objects extracted from an asteroid formed only 3 million years after the formation of the solar system began, able to decipher how the Earth came to life.

Falling in Germany in 2019, the Flensburg meteorite was immediately noticeable as it was identified as a carbonaceous chondrite (CC) meteorite, an extremely rare type of meteorite that originated in the early solar system. “At the beginning of the solar system, rocks were in contact with many water-rich liquids and thus formed silicates and carbonates containing water” – Professor Addi Bischoff and Dr Markus Patzek of the Institute of the Planets – University of Münster (Germany), Explain 2 of the main authors of the study.

Sci-tech Daily, such meteors, which luckily reached Earth earlier, have acted as “building blocks” that provide water and pre-existing materials to our planet, helping it. Transform from a hot and sterile sphere into a living world.

The dating of the results based on the decay rate of the isotope 53Mn shows that the mother body of this gemstone formed after the solar system only about 3 million years ago, that is to say before the Earth. . The carbonate salt inside this meteorite is almost a million years older than the carbonate salt in CC meteorites ever found. The analysis also revealed that this urge was precipitated from a relatively hot liquid when its parent asteroid was heated, and was the first evidence of the presence of liquid water in the solar system.

Analysis of the Earth also shows that when it first formed and is still hot, there is no carbonate rock, water, and many other essential organic elements. CC and perhaps a few later asteroids and comets caused the seeds of life to accumulate on the planet. Up to a certain point, the Earth is quite old and the conditions are necessary to produce the so-called “life-giving reaction”.

41 researchers from 21 German, French, Swiss, Hungarian, British, American and Australian units collaborated on the work that has just been published on Geochimica and Cosmochimnica Acta.

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