Science Ping

Not everyone knows the benefits of cauliflower

1. Cauliflower contains many essential nutrients such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9. It also contains vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids. Eating cauliflower can also add potassium, protein, vitamin C, manganese, and phosphorus.

2. Cauliflower contains antioxidants which prevent free radical damage. It also contains compounds that can reduce oxidative stress.

3. Cauliflower contains compounds such as thiocynate, which help the liver to flush out toxins. It is a vegetable that helps cleanse the body.

4. Numerous studies show that cauliflower prevents certain types of cancer like colon cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and bladder cancer.

5. Because cauliflower contains fiber, it helps the digestive system eliminate waste. Plus, cauliflower is good for your digestive system.

6. Cauliflower contains anti-inflammatory compounds. In fact, people with certain diseases like arthritis, enteritis, and diabetes need to eat cauliflower regularly.

7. Cauliflower can also prevent cardiovascular disease. It can minimize the inflammation of blood vessels and associated disorders.

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