Science Ping
Planet Earth

NASA prepares for press conference to announce “important discovery outside the solar system”

The press conference was hosted by NASA at 1 a.m. on February 23, 2017 Vietnam time, which announced extremely important information about exoplanets – planets outside the solar system.

NASA recently announced that it would hold a full-scale press conference, according to The Independent, to announce “an important discovery outside the solar system.”

Currently, specific information about the press conference remains confidential. Just be aware that here important information about exoplanets – planets with orbits around a host star like the Earth and the Sun – will be revealed. In addition, some sources claim that NASA has published some results from the Spitzer Telescope.

Why is this information important? The reason is that exoplanets are currently the brightest ray of hope for finding life, especially as more and more Earth-like planets appear.

NASA chuẩn bị họp báo công bố một phát hiện quan trọng bên ngoài Hệ Mặt trời - Ảnh 2.

Exoplanets play a very important role in the search for extraterrestrials

For example, in August 2016, ESO discovered Proxima B – a planet believed to be the second Earth capable of supporting life, just 4.5 light years from Earth. However, later experts denied the possibility that humans could live on this planet because the living environment is too harsh.

According to the announcement, the press conference will take place at 1 p.m. on February 22, 2017 New York time – 1 a.m. on February 23, 2017 in Vietnam. All scientists from the field of astronomy, cosmology … are welcome.

Light waves from stars several light years away can reveal a lot

NASA also said people around the world can completely question NASA by placing the hashtag #AskNasa at the press conference. Additionally, the agency also hosted an AMA Q&A on Reddit right after the press conference ended.

All information about the press conference will be updated as soon as possible.

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