Science Ping
Animal Other Pets

Meet a strange breed of mice that looks like the result of a bad love affair between pigs, rabbits and kangaroos

Big ears and long like rabbits, small physique like mice but long legs like kangaroos, what rat is so weird?

Nature has no shortage of weird things and the jerboa gerbil is a case in point: the body is like a mouse but has rabbit ears, a pig’s nose and long legs like a kangaroo.

Maybe at first glance you will think it is Photoshop, but what does a pokemon have like that?

Gặp gỡ giống chuột kỳ lạ trông như kết quả của mối tình sai trái giữa lợn, thỏ và kangaroo - Ảnh 1.

According to ScienceAlert, rodent jerboa gerbils mainly live in the deserts of North Africa and northern China.

With special trotters, jerboa gerbils can soar at a speed of 24 km / h when threatened by predators. In addition, the super sensitive hearing of rabbit ears also prevents them from being eaten.

Gặp gỡ giống chuột kỳ lạ trông như kết quả của mối tình sai trái giữa lợn, thỏ và kangaroo - Ảnh 2.
Gặp gỡ giống chuột kỳ lạ trông như kết quả của mối tình sai trái giữa lợn, thỏ và kangaroo - Ảnh 3.
Like most desert animals, the jerboa is mainly active at night

To avoid the blazing daylight, they huddled in their nests until night fell. We can say that the jerboa gerbil is the “craftsman” who digs the tunnel: it is cool in summer, dry to avoid flooding in the rainy season, there is always an emergency exit if it is stalked by predators.

Gặp gỡ giống chuột kỳ lạ trông như kết quả của mối tình sai trái giữa lợn, thỏ và kangaroo - Ảnh 4.
Petit c’est comme ça, mais la jerboa ne vit pas en troupeau
Lorsqu’ils atteignent l’âge adulte, les rats jerboa sortent dans leurs propres terriers. La nourriture préférée de Jerboa est les plantes, et parfois ils mangent des coléoptères et d’autres insectes.


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