Science Ping

It’s a spaceship that will take you to space for $ 250,000

Recently, the Virgin Galactic company revealed the image of a micro-orbital spacecraft that will take luxury passengers on a journey to the edge of space.

The company revealed its SpaceShip III, or VSS Imagine, spacecraft on Tuesday in a short trailer.

The outer shell of the VSS Imagine has a mirror-like material, which helps create an incredibly impressive appearance. In addition, this material also has thermal insulation to help protect the vessel.

Virgin Galactic didn’t hesitate to show off VSS Imagine’s shiny look in the ship launch trailer with the idea of ​​”reflecting the human passion inherent in the universe and the change of experience in travel.” Fly in space ”.

In addition, little detailed information about the new ship has been revealed except for the design which facilitates the maintenance process and the company will provide more flights. Each year, Virgin Galactic aims to make 400 sub-orbital trips per ship.

VSS Imagine will soon be ground tested with scheduled flights next summer at Spaceport America base in New Mexico. In the coming months, the company will also begin construction on the VSS Inspire, the second SpaceShip III in Virgin Galactic’s range of flights.

Space travel

Virgin Galactic aims to take tourist flights to the outer reaches of space, in order to compete with companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin.

However, the price per passenger of Virgin Galactic is not cheap, 250,000 USD / person (approximately 5.7 billion VND). For those who qualify, they will experience a journey of a lifetime within VSS Imagine. The vessel will be transported on a larger aircraft from the ground runway. At an altitude of 15,000 m, the VSS Imagine will eject from the transport plane and reach a height of 100,000 m. This is the height specified as the boundary between Earth and space. Here, passengers will enjoy a wonderful view with a short time without gravity. After that, VSS Imagine would return to Earth and land on the runway like a normal airplane.

“The Imagine and Inspire VSS are magnificent ships that take future astronauts into space on a wonderful journey, and their names also reflect human aspirations for space flight,” said Michael Colglazier, CEO of Virgin Galactic, in a communicated.

Con tàu sẽ được chở trên một máy bay lớn hơn từ đường băng trên mặt đất.

Virgin Galactic Founder Richard Branson said: “Virgin Galactic spaceships are uniquely designed to give a new look to thousands of people who will soon be able to experience the greatness of the universe for themselves. . Pillar “.

“As a vehicle in SpaceShip III, VSS Imagine not only looks good, but also demonstrates the growth of the Virgin Galactic fleet. All great achievement, creativity, and change begins with an idea. We hope that all space passengers will return with new perspectives and bold ideas that can bring positive change to our planet, ”he said.

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