Science Ping

Hubble Telescope Detects Unusually Faint “Stingray” Nebula

The Hubble Space Telescope observed that the Hen 3-1357 nebula had clearly vanished in a short time.

The Hen 3-1357 nebula was first discovered in 1971. It is ray-shaped, located 18,000 light years south of the constellation Tianan and 130 times larger. solar system. The object is known as a “protoplanet” nebula, which forms during the star’s final evolutionary phase when it emits large amounts of glowing gas into space.

The fading process of these nebulae typically takes place over millions or even billions of years, but in a new NASA report from December 3, astronomers said Hen 3-1357 had reduced brightness. in just two decades.

“Changes like these have never been clearly recorded before. Image data collected by the Hubble Space Telescope between 1996 and 2016 offers rare insight into the rapid gradation. gas mantle around an old star, ”said NASA.

According to astronomers, in an image taken in 1996, the Hen 3-1357 nebula emits a lot of nitrogen (red), hydrogen (blue) and oxygen (green), making it appear floating. outperformed than the photo taken in 2016.

The culprit that makes the nebula noticeably dim is probably the central star. The subject experienced an unusually hot climb and cool down, and it appears Hubble was fortunate enough to observe hen 3-1357 at the exact moment of her transfer. At this rate of gradation, NASA predicts that it will be difficult to detect nebulae in the coming decades.

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