Science Ping

How long is enough to exercise after a long day of inactivity?

We all know that sitting for hours isn’t good for the body, so how long is enough to exercise to limit the negative health effects after a long day “tied” to the table. job?

A recent study suggests that you should spend around 30 to 40 minutes of exercise per day. Therefore, 40 minutes of “moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity” per day is an appropriate amount of time to balance yourself during 10 hours of almost continuous sitting. Any amount of movement or even just getting up and sitting down can help to some extent.

Doing reasonable intensity activities like cycling can reduce your risk of dying sooner.

This result is based on a meta-analysis of 9 previous studies, involving a total of 44,370 people from 4 different countries, using some form of sportswear.

The analysis showed that the risk of death in sedentary people increased as the time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity gradually decreased. “In active people who do 30 to 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, the relationship between time spent sitting and the risk of death is not much different than in sedentary people. More than that. The study said.

In other words, doing reasonably strenuous activities like biking, brisk walking, gardening … can lower your risk of dying sooner.

While meta-analyzes like these still require a lot of careful coordination in separate studies with volunteers, timescales and conditions vary, but part of the study’s benefits. This is based on relatively objective data obtained from portable devices rather than self-reported data from experimental participants.

The study was carried out in conjunction with the publication of the World Health Organization (WHO) 2020 Global Guide to Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior, assembled by 40 scientists from 6 continents. green. British Sports Medicine Press (BHSM) has published a special publication devoted to both the research and the new guidelines.

Chạy bộThe WHO recommends 75 to 150 minutes of strenuous activity per week to compensate for the time of inactivity.

Emmanuel Stamatakis, physical activity and population health researcher at the University of Sydney, Australia, said: “These guidelines are very timely, we are in the middle of a global pandemic, this is holding everything back. staying indoors for long periods of time and increasing inactivity People can still protect their health and offset the damaging effects of physical inactivity. any physical activity works and no matter how much it is, it is better to do nothing. “

Research on health surveillance clothing generally conforms to new WHO guidelines, recommending 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes of intense physical activity. brought up weekly to make up for limited exercise time.

Walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator, playing with children and pets, doing yoga or dancing, doing housework, walking and cycling are all suggestions to help us be healthier. And if you can’t start with 30-40 minutes right away, it’s always possible to start at a lower level.

It is not easy to make recommendations suitable for all ages and all body conditions, although the 40-minute movement time is in line with previous research. As more and more data is released, we should know more about how to stay healthy even when we are spending long hours at our desks.

“Although the new guidelines reflect the best science available today, there are still gaps in our knowledge. For example, the exact boundaries of “sitting too much” are not yet clear. But this is still a rapidly evolving area of ​​research and we hope to have an answer in the next few years, ”said Stamatakis.

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