Science Ping

Guava has many wonderful benefits

Guava is a delicious fruit that contains many healthy nutrients such as fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, copper, and manganese. In addition, guava is also included in the list of superfoods.

Guava is a tropical super fruit native to Central America. They are oval in shape, have light green or yellow skin, and have edible seeds. Extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium and fiber. This unique nutritional ingredient gives them many health benefits. This article lists the health benefits of guava which have been verified by scientific research.

Eating guava can help boost the immune system

Having low levels of vitamin C in the body has been linked to an increased risk of infections and diseases. Guava is a great way to get this nutrient, as it is one of the richest sources of vitamin C.

In fact, one guava provides about twice the recommended daily amount of vitamin C (RDI). That’s almost double the amount you can get by eating an orange. Vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

Although it has not been shown to prevent colds, vitamin C is believed to reduce the duration of the common cold. It has also been shown to be antimicrobial. This means that it kills harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause infection. Since vitamin C can be easily eliminated from the body, it is important to regularly get adequate amounts of vitamin C in your diet.

Prevent diarrhea and constipation

When you drink guava juice, it contains an incredible amount of fiber. It also contains a compound that protects the intestinal tract from the buildup of toxins. It turns out that guava also has a calming effect on sensitive intestines. If you have to drink guava juice every morning to get very good health benefits.

Stable blood sugar level

If you regularly consume guava juice, it is a great drink for controlling blood sugar and lowering blood sugar by increasing insulin levels. According to research experts, if you eat guava regularly or drink guava juice, insulin levels in the blood will be good for people with diabetes.

Improve heart health

Guava contains high amounts of fiber and fiber, which are essential for a healthy heart and digestive system. Fiber can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol, helping to improve cardiovascular disease.

In addition, the antioxidant active ingredients and oxidative stress of guava leaves can prevent disorders of the body system. This helps in the protection of heart health and prevents harmful damage to the body. Guava leaves are made into tea, used to prevent atherosclerosis.

Eating guava helps prevent cancer

One of the notable uses of guava is its ability to effectively prevent cancer due to the powerful antioxidants present in guava which prevent the growth of free radicals which damage cells. causes of dangerous cancers.

In addition to all of the properties mentioned in the name, real guava also contains many essential vitamins and minerals which are essential for a healthy body. These days, guava seems to be everywhere and is a fruit year round, so you can eat guava anytime.

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