Science Ping

Find the cause of the Big Bang

A group of American and Chinese scientists have started their journey to find a solution to the Big Bang cause.

According to the International Business Times, the new discovery published Jan. 22 in the Journal of Cosmology and Astrophysics Physics is the result of the controversial theory of the formation of the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.

Since it was first mentioned in the 1920s, the mystery of what happened before the Big Bang has always been a puzzle for scientists. However, with recent and groundbreaking results, physicists believe they are nearing the end. Then people will know if the universe was born out of an explosion or the collapse of another universe.

The most popular explanation was given in 1981 that the universe suddenly expanded and increased exponentially within the first second of its existence. This theory has been used to successfully explain many other phenomena in astronomy.

However, another group of scientists concluded that an identical universe could have existed before ours. According to them, the universe shrank before the Big Bang. Contraction takes place until the universe becomes a single point in space, and then expands in a phenomenon known as Big Bounce.

“Each theory leaves behind different astrophysical markers that can be observed today,” said Yi Wang, co-author of the study. “Some signals appear in both scenarios, but some signals can only occur with one scenario, which is how we define events before the Big Bang.”

Physicists are looking for traces of special signs called microwave cosmic funds to study how the Big Bang came about. Lead author of the study, Xingang Chen, cosmologist at the University of Texas, USA, said their team has all the traces but must fix them in order to come to a final conclusion.

Chen’s team found that the heavy particles functioned like primitive clocks that existed before the Big Bang in both scenarios. Scientists analyze the data warehouse and organize it within a compatible time frame to create a movie about the past of the Big Bang.

Scientists believe they will soon have the answer to the Big Bang, to conclude whether it is the result of cosmic expansion or contraction. Information on the origins of Big Bang will be announced in the next 10 years.

“The clock signs we are looking for are subtle oscillating structures through cosmic microwave background measurements,” Wang said. “Each scenario in the early universe exhibited a unique oscillating structure.”

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